

They finally clashed head-to-head as the scorpion clans were duking it out with the other three clans, the eagle clan, and the Phoenix clan were making it quite hard for the scorpions to focus on the Hogs so it was becoming a losing battle until there was a whistle somewhere and then behind Raja's troops a whole bunch of worms with human bodies came out ranging in the thousands. 

Raja frowned at this as he thought if the sandworm clans are getting involved in this battle it might not be too good for them. The worm clan was known for their flexibility, they were able to avoid a lot of attacks due to their weird forms. They had a warm head with human-like bodies and a worm-like tail behind them. 

They went on to attack Raja's troops from behind but their only weakness was the eagle clan as the eagles used to feed on them a lot, so the scorpion King had convinced the worm King to join the battle since the eagle clans were coming too. 

The sandworm King John was finally excited that the Eagles were going to be around and they would be able to get their revenge but the only thing he didn't calculate was that they still had the obvious weakness which was the ability to not fly, so they are easy pickings as the eagle clans got excited when they saw them and thought of food right away. 

They left the battle with the scorpion clan in order to chase after the sandworm clan. When the sandworm clans saw the eagles they got mad and scared as they were about to attempt to run away but their King John told them to stop and to straighten their backs they must not run away from a battle, this will be for the future since the eagle clan has been torturing them since the beginning of the world. 

They had been nothing but feeders to them, so they wanted to get their revenge but due to being traumatized for so many years after seeing them up close they lost their nerve as they started to shrink back. The scorpion King Spar just shook his head as he thought spineless bastards, of course, they were spineless they were worms. 

Spar then did a double whistle as a flock of birds started to approach them. This was the vulture clan, another species located within the desert. They ate whatever they found and this crazy world and didn't care if all the other clans gave them a warning to stop every time, when they were attacked by clans they would go to the scorpion clan for assistance and nobody wanted to mess with the scorpion clan so they would just leave them alone and thanks to that they owed the scorpion clan of favor as they were able to join this battle. 

They started a battle with the eagle clan in order to free up the sandworm clan to focus on their battle with the hogs but they weren't as strong as the eagle clan as they also had help from the Phoenix. They were throwing wind blades and fireballs all over the place, finally, all three kings came together in order to have a battle three on three. 

The Vulture Queen Vulcan had a vulture-like head with wings black as the night and a womanly figure but with rags of cloth on her covering her privates. Since they lived in the desert they looked quite savagely and malnourished. All the vultures but the queen had a little bit of meat on her compared to the others as she always got the first bite of any meal and didn't really care about the others. They also joined the battle to make it a fair fight.

Raja saw that this battle wasn't going anywhere as it was at a standstill so he ordered a retreat causing everybody to run and fly back while the Phoenix clan started shooting fireballs in order to cover their retreat.

The three other clans started celebrating due to being able to defend the territory and winning the battle. Raja said that he would be back while flying away causing Spar to laugh out loud saying" look it is the king of The runaways " causing everybody to have a joyous time as they had a feast celebrating their win over the Phoenix clan, hog, and eagle clan.

That whole night was quite a celebration as they did nothing but party all night long, they were talking about how Raja left with his tail tucked between his legs and they even made songs about it, it was quite an embarrassing moment for Raja. 

The queen had gotten word that the war was finally over she wanted to go and join it but due to the heat in the desert her element would be weakened dramatically so she decided to let the scorpion clan handle it but she was very worried that they will be able to break through and come in and take her and Drazon. 

She knew that nobody recognized Issa so she would be able to blend in if she covered herself well but as for her and Drazon they stuck out like a thumbnail. Drazon was also excited that the war was over and he had time to train even more now that the shadow of Invaders was off him temporarily. 

Gina was disappointed that she didn't get to fight but she got over it fairly quickly as she started preparing a training camp for the kiddos. One day when they were preparing to go training the scorpion clan king showed up to Gina's house. 

Everybody was surprised as the king had not shown up to that area for a while, the kingsguard announced his majesty coming in as they opened the door for him. Everybody in the house bowed down as a king entered except for the queen. When Spar saw the queen he was in shock as he said" Queen Sassy what are you doing in a place like this, I heard all about his majesty the king and my heartfelt very broken when I heard the news, my condolences to you and your family, if I had known that you were in my territory I would have taken you in right away" 

Queen Sassy laughed as she said" I haven't heard that name in a while and who you fooling you know you love to battle" causing Spar to laugh as he said,"  yes I was truly looking forward to sharpening my blades once again and my stinger was growing dull so this battle was well needed and was very entertaining". 

Queen Sassy laughed as they settled down to talk some more. After a while, Sassy introduced everybody in the house to the King. Spar was happy to meet the seedlings of the Dragon King as he looked at Drazon and laughed and said "wow what a strange-looking kid and he looks stronger than kids his age, just like how the Dragon King used to be. 

Queen Sassy shook her head as she said: "he has a long way to go as an 11-year-old, but at least he's already a level three" when The Scorpion King heard Drazon was already a level three he was shocked. In his territory, 11-year-olds would be lucky to be even level two's. 

The strong were level two and those that had consumed a fruit were barely halfway through level two. Spar got excited as he said he was going to host a tournament and that Drazon should join. The prize would be rare fruits that he had discovered during a sandstorm. There was a Thunder fruit that nobody around his clan could consume. 

Spar himself had tried to consume it, but with no progress, due to the electric currents that revolved around fruit constantly he always got burnt or electrocuted. Spar told Drazon he had other fruits to win in case he lost. Queen Sassy was confused as she asked Spar how he could tell that Drazon was an electric element user? 

Spar said," this guy is an electric element user I can see burn marks from electric currents all over his body". Queen Sassy quickly told Drazon to go take a shower because Drazon had been doing some independent training that day. Spar laughed out loud saying "good kid good kid this time it should be interesting since the scorpions have been slacking so this guy will give them a sense of urgency when they see how young he is and how much stronger he is than them".