

Dory and Drazon started to get close as the days passed by, one day they had stopped to get some sleep. They took turns keeping a lookout but it was mostly Drazon who was keeping a lookout while Dory slept, Dory was shivering cold as the cave was freezing so she had to cuddle up next to Drazon. 

Drazon felt a little shy around girls his age but he used his fire element to heat up the area where they rested which made Dory cuddle even more due to the heat coming from Drazon. Drazon had no kind of feelings for Dory but Dory started to catch feelings for him as she stuck to him like glue wherever he went she was closely following behind Drazon. 

With Drazon constantly using his fire element to heat up his environment, his fire aura had also gotten stronger. This survival training had helped increase Drazon's strength by a lot and not just with one element but the constant use of multiple elements he continued to get stronger and stronger. Drazon would drain out one element tank before using another. 

The constant drain was refining his tanks as they had gotten swollen from being used constantly making them grow in size. One day they had a minor accident as both Drazon and Dory had fallen asleep, Drazon hadn't gotten any sleep for days as they both posted up behind each other sitting with their backs towards each other as they leaned on each other for support. 

Drazon had dozed off while Dory had also fallen asleep and Dory was a deep slumber so any kind of sound wouldn't wake her up as she was used to living the comfortable life with her parents. An undead cheetah clan member saw them and used its speed to quickly rush up to the two who had no clue of the danger coming towards them, but as soon as the cheetah had come within Drazon's fire aura, Drazon was alerted. 

Drazon quickly woke up and used his sensory skills to spot the cheetah approaching them and quickly used his claws to stop the incoming attack. Lucky for Drazon the cheetah was only a level 2 so he moved at the speed which Drazon could see making it an easy fight.  

Drazon quickly dismembered the Cheetah's body parts as it didn't have the intellectual and strength level to keep up with Drazon. After Drazon finished killing that cheetah another one had sneakily almost cut off his arm as Drazon quickly sensed the attack and dodged it taking a little bit of blood from Drazon. 

Drazon grabbed his arm in pain as he got angry, electric currents started moving around his body as he boosted his speed and disappeared from the Cheetah's sight. The confused Cheetah started looking around for Drazon but before the cheetah could pick up Drazon's sound he started to see the world go round in confusion as his head came off and his vision turned dark a few seconds later.  

Drazon was breathing heavily after extending so much energy in taking care of those two cheetahs but before he could catch his breath two more Cheetahs had shown up. Drazon quickly yelled at Dory "wake your ass up". Dory had a bubble coming out of her nose as she was snoring heavily, the bubble quickly popped as she woke up saying "yes my love"  by accident.

Drazon was shocked as he tripped but he quickly recovered and went back on the offense as he didn't have time to dwell on that. While Drazon was holding back the Cheetahs, Dory quickly formed a sand sword from her hand and used it to cut off one of the cheetah's heads and kick the other one that was harassing Drazon away. She finished the final one by cutting off his head. 

After dealing with the undead cheetah's Drazon sat down and used his sensory ability to sense if there were any more enemies around but the place was completely empty as he breathed a relief not having to deal with any more enemies as he was caught off-guard and was not ready for this assault. 

Drazon quickly told Dory that she has to level up because she was becoming a burden to him. All Dory could do was a nod to Drazon and say" I'll train hard and not hold you down. They sat back down to relax as Drazon took a piece of meat from his bag to munch on and regain his energy. 

Dory had run out of food and was very hungry as she stared hard at Drazon as if saying can I have some. Drazon shook his head as he said:" I warned you not to eat all your food and should have split them into small amounts, we will be here for a few more weeks before the rope is tossed back down". 

Dory frowned as she said" but I was hungry it's not my fault a growing female has to eat" Drazon said" no it's quite the opposite a growing male has to eat" she laughed as Drazon handed her a piece of his meat to eat. Dory was very grateful to Drazon and knew that she wouldn't have survived without him. 

After a few days, they had finally reached the third floor and as soon as they got there they noticed that there was a spring located in a secluded area with clean water. Dory got excited as she glared at Drazon and I told him not to look as if she was going to wash up. Drazon frowned and said '' nobody wants to see your flat chest causing Dory to tear up but she ignored him and quickly went to check to see if there were any problems with the spring. 

After seeing no issues she got excited and took off her clothes, and jumped into the spring. Dory relaxed in the spring for about 30 minutes until she noticed some movement around the spring. Dory thought it was Drazon as she blushed and said:" I knew you couldn't resist my beauty but don't be a creep". 

Even though Dory liked Drazon and wanted to truly let him see her body, she was a bit shy as she got over her shyness and said:" but if you want to come and bathe with me I can wash your back for you". When she finally looked up out of the spring she noticed that it was an undead lizard. 

Dory screamed and panicked while Drazon got scared as he rushed over to her side. Dory quickly jumped out of the pool butt naked but after a few seconds, she realized that she was naked and dropped right back in the spring. 

Drazon didn't even notice her as he went to fight off the undead that was surrounding the spring. They were undead lizards so Drazon made quick work of them by using his ice element to freeze them all like an aoe attack and broke them into pieces after. He normally wouldn't use that move because it took a chunk out of his ice tank but he hadn't used it for a while and his energy reserved for the ice type was quite full.