
Big Battle

A big battle was about to go on the way as King Spar, the Owl clan Representatives, and Manticore guards were all in positions staring daggers at each other. King Lar had his army and his captains behind him; there were four captains. One of them was his right-hand man, who was a level six undead, and the other three captains were level five. 

After getting the signal from the owl clan, the manticore charged towards the captains, while King Spar charged towards King Lar. They crashed into each other, causing a massive sound wave. Outside the cave in the desert, a storm was brewing as clouds covered the sunlight. The cave wasn't big enough to hold this battle. 

Hence, everybody took outside as they each had an opponent to fight. The owl clan representative was not battle inclined, so all they did was sit back and watch the action unfold, while they took notes. The owl clan representatives were surprised to see that the undead King had leveled up after a few years of being imprisoned inside the sealed cave. 

The owl clan representative wanted to do some research on him; the Undead King Lar was one of the greatest successes at the undead study. Hence, they tried to capture him and bring him back to the lab to do further experiments on him, but due to him leveling up to eight, they weren't prepared for such an outcome, so they didn't bring any guards that were higher than level 6. 

The battle raged on, the manticore had an edge on the undead captains as they had more battle experience, and they were a higher level than them, but the top captain who was a level six was able to keep up with the manticores since he was the same level as them. The manticores used their wind elements to bombard the undead captains, as they flapped their giant wings. 

The manticores noticed that there the wind elements weren't very effective against the undead captains. The undead captains also used their icy elements to freeze over the floor, trying to freeze the manticores. Still, the manticores flew in the air dodging the attack. The manticores danced in the air while blowing fire attacks towards the undead captains. 

The undead team used a dead chi fire element to counter the manticores fires, causing a massive explosion. On the other side, the battle between the Kings was underway. Sand erupted around King Spar as he pointed towards the undead King. The sand quickly rushed towards King Lar, but king Lar used electric currents to dodge the attack. 

King Lar spewed outs some dead chi fire elements towards King spar who used his sand to make a wall to defend against the raging fire attack. The sand wall quickly hardened as the fire grew more intense. King Lar stopped his attack, and he sped up and appeared on top of the sand wall. 

King Lar shot out a dark energy ball that was compressed, strengthening the velocity of the attack. King Lar threw it towards King Spar, who had not seen that attack coming due to focusing on defending the wall he created, and when King Spar saw the attack, it was too late. King Spar quickly hardened his skin as the attack crashed into his chest, pushing him far into the distances.

King Spar was thrown some distance away, after finally coming to a stop, he threw up a mouth full of blood. King Spar would have died if he hadn't hardened his skin with hard sand. King Spar had never seen an attack like that before, so it took him off guard as he was injured gravely after that extreme attack. 

The Undead King laughed loudly and enjoyed himself as his face got serious once again, and he charged towards The Scorpion King Spar. Spar weakly used sand to reinforce his body once again and started compressing sand around him. King Spar took this chance to attack as he made a giant sand fist and pushed it forward, towards King Lar.  

The Undead King saw the energy that King Spar was accumulating and decided to do the same as Lar used dark energy around his fists infused a little bit of electricity causing electrical currents to run around the dark energy as it gave it more speed and power. 

They charged towards each other as their fist combined while they were yelling out in pain. King Lars fist shot right through Spars attack. Spars' whole body was blown away. King Spar's attack had been shattered, and most of the attack power from King Lar crashed right into the Scorpion King. Sending King Spar flying once again, throwing up blood while flying back with breakneck speed.

King Lar laughed as he said "a few years ago you guys didn't believe me, but now I stand here with an army and as strong as ever, no one will be able to conquer me in this world!!!!" as he laughed wildly as if he had lost his mind. King Spar was on his back, breathing heavily after he finally crashed into a sandpit. King Spar felt pains throughout his body and didn't have the energy to get up. 

King Spar also laughed and said," I have a territory to protect, and I will die defending it even if I have to take down scum like you." King Lar was surprised that King Spar still had the energy to talk trash as he laughed out loud in a crazy way before he frowned and said:" time to die little Scorpion King"  just when Lar was about to charge towards King Spar to deal the final blow. 

King Spar had injected himself with his own 

stinger, his skin started to change colors as energy inside him weld up. Spar turned from blue to red to green to purple before he roared out in pain, causing a massive shock wave as everybody else stopped their battle to watch the two kings battle it out. 

The Undead King was beyond shocked at the power that the Scorpion King was displaying. King Lar licked his lips and said:" good good good I thought this battle wasn't going to be challenging now that you are taking it to the next level I guess I should reveal a small trump card of mine too." 

The Undead King started to wrap dark energy around him as he consumed the energy into his body; the color of his scales changed as it turned pure black. King Lars' other body parts had also straightened up and hardened them like a rock. King Spar looked in horror as the Undead King exploded with energy. King Spar thought that if he had used his trump card, he would have the edge, but it seemed like the Undead King also had his trump card.