

King Spar, who was standing tall with energy bursting out of his body looks, the horrifying Undead King who had twice the amount of power coursing through him looked even more intimidating. King Spar saw this and said, "I'm going to need some help in this battle; this guy seems like he has unlimited power." 

King Spar quickly sent a message to the Owl clan to help him out. The Undead King saw that the owl clansmen came to the side of the Scorpion King Spar and laughed as he said, "what are you weak owl creatures going to do? are you going to help fight me!" 

The owls shook their heads as they took out injection and injected The Scorpion King. The Scorpion King roared out in pain as strange energy came from within his body. King Spar asked the owl clan representative what he injected in him, and the owl told him that this serum unlocks hidden power deep within our bodies that we are unable to open on our own. 

The Scorpion King was in pain as his skin color turned dark red with a blazing fire in his eyes, he roared out in pain. When King Spar roared a huge fire blast came out of his mouth, he was surprised by this as he said: "I've never been able to use the fire element, all of a sudden I'm able to use it." 

The Owl Representatives chuckled and said, "well, maybe soon, you will be able to use the fire element but for now use it to your heart's content." Fire blazed around The Scorpion King as he got excited at the thought of using fire, he turned into a fireball and charged towards King Lar. 

King Lar was shocked with the power boost that King Spar had gotten, and it seemed like King Spar had the energy of a level 8 creature now. It seemed like the sky had turned red, but King Lar couldn't slack off thinking about it as he also charged up and blasted towards King Spar with dark energy around his body and electric currents riding around the dark energy. 

They crashed into each other, causing substantial shock waves as they kept crashing into each other nonstop, shaking up the whole desert while they did that. The Undead Clan were winning this battle since they had higher numbers; at first, the captains were losing, but then they had the grunts help them out by overwhelming the others. 

One of the manticores had been caught and devoured; as the other manticores saw this, they slowly started to retreat. The manticores fled to the sky where the undead couldn't touch them as they began shouting, "retreat we have to withdraw and bring back our King and more troops!!". 

The owl clan members and the manticores members all left to get reinforcements while King Spar and King Lar were still battling, just when King Spar thought he had the edge on the Undead King, King Lar pushed past his limits as a dark aura erupted from him forcing his strength to the next level. 

King Spar's drug was starting to fade out, so he decided to retreat as he began running away, but King Lar would not let him do that as he continuously kept attacking him. On one of his attacks, King Lar had torn off one of the arms of King Spar, causing King Spar great pain as he yelled out while green blood poured out, causing the Scorpion King to slow down as he accepted that he would die soon. 

Just when King Lar was about to finish off King Spar, a massive ice attack came towards the Undead King knocking him back, while an ice wall erupted between them blocking King Lar from finishing off King Spar. King Lar looked back to see a heavily injured Queen Sassy as she said, "those little undead's are not enough to keep me from getting revenge for my little Drazon.

King Lar was quite surprised to see Queen Sassy had broken through his zombie formation; he knew that she definitely could do that, but it would take some time. King Lar had already wasted enough time and didn't want reinforcements to come just when he had escaped. King Lar quickly said, "was that red dragon your son that was in the cave?" The Queen nodded and finally stopped to listen as she stared at King Lar.

She got a strange feeling that King Lar looked like a familiar dragon from her past. King Lar  said after seeing her reaction, "I was not able to kill him, but I did kill his friend." Queen Sassy finally relaxed after knowing that Drazon had not died, but quickly asked, "where is my son then?"

King Lar shrugged as he said, "the kid disappeared into a black hole as soon as I was about to kill him." The Queen was happy after finding out Drazon had escaped and was starting to lose consciousness as her body relaxed. She held on tight as she finally asked, "you look familiar, who are you?" 

The Undead King said, "I was once your secret lover in the Dragon Clan."  Queen Sassy had her eyes wide open as the heart within her body started to beat vigorously as she had met the person that was once the love of her life. In her younger years, she had fallen for a local dragon after sneaking out of her family's home several times to mingle with the locals.

They had a social class in the dragon clan. Queen Sassy was part of the royalties, and King Lar was at the bottom of the low class. King Lar barely managed to eat during his time within the dragon territory. Growing up in a rough neighborhood was tough, but he fought through all challenges. He had become the captain of the kingsguard; through his strength, hard work, and dedication, he finally got out of the low class and stepped into the middle class. 

During their younger age, Queen Sassy had sneaked out of her family home to go meet up with King Lar. They had met when Queen Sassy was just a little dragon running around.

She had gotten into some trouble one day, and King Lar came to her rescue. After that, those two were inseparable as they went out and caused a lot of pain in the territory. They eventually became teenagers and started falling in love with each other. 

Still, Queen Sassy was already promised to be the next king of the dragon territory at that time. He was just a prince at the time. Both their families had pledged to each other before they were even born that they would marry each other.

Queen Sassy was quite a genius in her time and was always sneaking out. Her fighting skills were higher than those around her age, causing them to be intimidated by her. After many sneak outs, Sassy's parents have finally gotten fed up as they hired an assassin to take out Lar.

That night it seemed like the moon was thirsty for blood as the assassin made his way to the slums of the Dragon territory. He was dressed in all-black panther fur with a long tail and dragon-like eyes. His nose was sharp as he speedily ran through the slums jumping from building to building stealthily, making his way towards his target.