The Weirdo

Diya's POV

"Aaarrghh!!!" I jolted awake, looking for signs of danger or harm from wild animals in loose or humans who behaved not so far off from those said animals. 

But all I hearr were sweet giggles, bubbling from the other corner of our room. I groaned and palmed my face yet again. Because I knew what followed right after. 

Why do my mornings always have to be so eventful? Heaven knows. 

What were bubbling giggles were now a full blown hearty laughter and I am not sure if I should be glad or cringe. And its no surprise that I feel this way almost 24/7. It's been my default state lately. 

At this point, I am not sure to what do I owe the pleasure of seeing others laughing at my expense. 

I peaked one eye to look at my beautiful roommate - Khushi. She's the source of her parents happiness. So I am guessing it's a fitting name unlike mine. 

" What!" I snapped giving her a stink look after numerous failed attempts of trying to prop myself on my bed. Her smile was so bright to the point where I temporarily lost my vision. 

" Aww, aren't you a sunshine when you're cranky" she batted her lashes which could rival all the Kardashians. 

" Are you done laughing your ass off?" I dead panned, blowing off a lock of hair that kept falling over my forehead. 

" Sorry, I can't. You're just too adorable with that face " my roommate come friend managed to confess despite her failure to suppress her laughter. Which in turn made me glare at her. 

" Alright Diya, my mouth's zipped" she made a hand gesture of zipping her mouth with a half suppressed smile which earned a sigh from me. 

It's not her fault that I always tend to wake to my alarm as if I had been doused with gasoline. I shrugged and mumbled a quick good morning to Kushi who was now grinning like a kid who won a lottery to hundred candy jars. 

I swear no one could bring her spirit down and that's one of the many reasons why I adore her. But of course there would never be a day where I would come to admit that to her.


Because my not so impressive emotional intelligence forbids me from doing so. People say that I do not harbor a healthy amount of emotions which they consider as a requirement for me to thrive as a homo sapiens. And I couldn't care any less but to give a nonchalant shrug to their opinions. 

Emotions, both mine and from others complicates my life. It endangers my almost mundane life. Hence, I don't mind keeping a few of my emotions locked away with it's key thrown to the Pacific. 

That was way too dramatic even for me but that's the gist of it. 

" You're doing it again..." 

" Doing what again?" 

" Dreaming about your soon-to-be Mr Hubby"

That earned her a disgusting scowl. I know she's just messing with me. My mind tends to wander a lot and she figured that in less than a week since we became roomies. It doesn't annoy her that I often zone out while she speaks. I am sure she knows it's something that happens unconsciously and that just adds more to her amusement when it comes to me. 

" Alright, not hubby...perhaps Ms hotty" she teased royally ignoring my crappy mood. 

Because everyone knows, I am crappy ninety percent of the time. 

I am also not sure where she got the idea of my attraction for women. Nothing against about being attracted to them. Most of the women I know are sweet, kind and ambitious. They all have attractive personalities. It makes me wish I have a quarter of what they possess as a person.

But being attracted to them physically or romantically? Not really. 

She probably assumes I am a closeted lesbian seeing how the records of my dating life has been close to zero. I see dating how I see a three year old fussy toddler. Needy, uncooperative, and an utter waste of my time and energy. Of course I have nothing against those who confrom to the traditional expectations of dating and relationships. It's a free world so might as well take advantage of it.

But I don't think it's my cup of dragon fruit juice and that's how it's going to be. 

It was a glorious Sunday morning and I would mourn my ruined sleep after removing the alarms for following weekends. I groaned rolling out of my bed. On cue my stomach made an embarrassing growl much to my roomie's delight. 

I flipped my blanket, abandoning the duty of making my bed after having my daily dose of caffeine. It's been exactly 2 weeks into our summer break. Last year, I was already on my way back to my parents place at Inverness. This year though, I am forcing myself to get a job and keep my ass planted there until the end of summer. I am sure whatever I gain from this gig would take away some of my dad's burdens. 

Girl, you call that waking up?

Said a voice in my head.

Oh, yeah before I forget. Say hello to the annoying thunderbolt lady living inside my head or in other words meet my conscience and FYI just so you know we share a love-hate relationship since forever....wait, what!? No no what nonsense am I blabbering? It's a hate-hate relationship for sure. Trust me you will get it as it goes.

Bish...what!? We aren't in any relationship! Freaking idiot. I ain't a lesbo. Anyways, I could have had a different intro and a better head to live in. Even though your head is empty as hell with no brains, it still feels suffocated in here. You should be grateful that I still haven't decided to abandon you. Also, who are you talking to nutt-head? Crazy weirdo.....

I guess now you get what I meant.

Now, where were we? Oh yeah! Bed. morning. Waking up. Call me weird but that's how I wake up every morning with an expression as if someone just broke into the house.

At least I didn't fall from my bed this time while waking up. Unlike yesterday or the day before that.

I scratched the back of my head lost in the thoughts of my new found victory of not falling while waking. Happy with my achievement, I looked at the time on my phone. It was almost 8.30 a.m. in the morning.

Yeah yeah good for you weirdo. Like out of 100 times you didn't fall like....what? Once? And you should be very proud of yourself!

My conscience rolled her eyes while pointing that out to me, making me chuckle at myself. 

"Hahahaa....haaahaaha...omg Diya I can never get bored looking at you panicking every morning while waking up" Khushi burst out while laughing and rolling on her bed.

Well if you guys are wondering, Khushi is my roommate + friend + classmate. She is a human come angel.

Hey! How come she gets a better intro. You biased duck head!

Ladies and gentlemen, let me warn you we are gonna face a lot of moments like this. So let's be wise and ignore that whiney caterpillar.

"Yeah yeah, soooo....funny Khushi.," I said while snorting.

"Oh come on Diya...aren't you my cutie pie?" she grinned with puppy eyes and I fought hard to suppress the smile that was threatening to grace my face.

Please.... not puppy eyes. They're my weakness. I love dogs....They are god's most wonderful creation. I am not sure what I am gonna exactly do in future but I am definitely gonna live my life with at least 8 dogs. Yeah, I am gonna be a freaking dog lady and become a treat to all those cat ladies and CATS out there. Watch out I am coming for you!😈 Yeah, that will be so fudging cool...

That's one of the most weird-ass things that I have ever heard!

Get lost! I never asked for your opinion.

"Don't call me that...." I told Khushi pretending to be angry with what she called me.

Then what else do you want her to call you? Dumbo, dumbass, freak, creepo, mutton-head, etc or....wait the famous one WEIRDO....

SHUT UP! don't forget that by calling me all that you are actually accepting them as your nicknames as well.

Whatever....but that won't change the truth.

My conscience said that while showing me her tongue. I pretend to ignore whatever she said.

"Okay, Diya I know you don't like it if people call you using sweet endearments...which I don't understand why...but guess what? Those rules don't apply to your friends, especially me!" she said smiling mischievously.

I just rolled my eyes while she showed me her tongue in return. Then we both started cracking up." Diya, jokes apart if you really get startled by your super loud alarm why don't you have a slow and calming alarm like me or I could just wake you up, you know?" Khushi said genuinely.

Oh....too bad...calming alarms won't even reach princess's ears.

I just glared at my conscience with that comment.

"No, it's okay Khushi. Slow alarms won't be able to wake me up and the idea of you waking me up.....its just know me" I said while scratching the back of my head.

"Okay...I get it you want to be 'independent' and you don't want to depend on others to wake you up. I get it. I was just concern about you falling down from your bed every morning and panicking at the same time while your alarm rings, you know" she said looking at me with concern all over her face. " However, I guess I won't miss my laughing therapy every morning until we are roommates," she said while winking at me.

I chuckled looking at her.

It was Sunday and its the last day of my semester. Let me tell you something about me. I am currently studying medicine and I have successfully finished my fourth year and my sem break is starting tomorrow. Usually, I will head back to my hometown, Inverness during my summer breaks to spend time with my family but now I am planning to work during my summer break. Even though I was successful in securing a scholarship and I had allowance they were not enough to pay my rental because the scholarship only covered the tuition fee. Therefore, this time I decided to work during my break so that my parents won't have to pay for my rental. I have applied for several companies to work as a temporary employee. While applying I was not so picky. I applied randomly to business companies, hospitals, clinics, malls, and supermarkets. I just applied for jobs based on my high school results as a qualification. Its because I don't want to get myself into anything serious or any high position jobs. I just wanted a simple temporary job since I had to go back to Uni after my break anyways.

" We are sorry Ms Diya, we can't give you the job because you're communicating skills are not up to our standards and expectations. Hope you find a job that suits you better. Good luck!"

That's what my last interviewer told me during my last week's interview at a clinic for the receptionist job. Well, there goes nothing...She could have just told me that 'you didn't get the job' with a straight face but no, to my dismay she gave me a speech of 'finding the job that suits you better'. I groaned thinking about it.

The only jobs that suit me are eating, sleeping, lazing around, talking to my invisible friend and binge-watching cartoon series. If you think I would enjoy studying just because I am a med student then you're absolutely wrong. I am not hardworking just smart. I grasp concepts really fast and it has helped me a lot in med school. I don't understand how people in my school study 24/7. I mean I do enjoy learning new stuff and gathering knowledge but I am not just bounded by my med books. I am.... a nerd who enjoys studying but I can't have my head stuck to the books all the time. Omg....I can't even imagine myself doing that. Nop! I would rather sleep if I can. So if anyone is ready to pay me for what am doing, I would name my Mind Reader machine upon their name. Yup certainly. Although the progress of building that machine appears to be like a stone thrown in a pond, you get what I mean right?

Yeah, invent it faster. So that people around you would regret judging you for a weirdo and could straight away send you to an asylum for the psycho you are. For god's sake who talks to an invisible whatever!?

I am not psycho you, idiot. Get off my head before I actually become one.



Now, where was I? Right. Communication.

I am a medical student and I am about to graduate in a year and here I am with poor communicating skills. God....why do I have to go through this. It's not like I hate medicine, its just....the 'feeling comfortable around people' thing. You can ask me' then why the fudge are you studying medicine?' It's not like I have been forced into this. I do like and enjoy the course but that is not the only reason why I studied my ass off to make it here with a scholarship. I am here because of a person's incomplete wish and I am here to make that wish come true.

Guess I would probably end in a specific specialist field with less talking and more hands-on work involved. I should really consider doing research about cancer but that sounds so lame.

"Diya your interview tomorrow will be sharp at 10.00 a.m. Wear your formals. Try not to be nervous. They have called you for an interview for the PA position and don't worry they are just looking for a temporary PA. Since you took business along with science during your high school you should be getting the job. Don't worry you will be fine tomorrow" Khushi said all of that in one go without giving me time to process it.

As if you will remember all of that if she said it one by one huh.....wait on a second taught why don't you invent the communicating machine? And you can name it upon me. What say do we have a deal?

There goes my conscience once again. Well, I really hope I get the job tomorrow I thought while thinking about tomorrow's interview.