The A-hole

Third Person's POV

Reporters and journalist, crowded the entrance of a 30 story skyscraper, known as Ranawat and Co Enterprise, anticipation for the arrival of the man who owned that building. The Ranawats were known for being quick-witted and ruthless when it came to business. Their empire conquered the entire continent, giving almost no chance to the mediocre companies to survive in their presence.

They have been holding the country's top position in business for almost three consecutive generations starting from the period of the founder of the company, Mr Rajrishi Singh Ranawat.

After, his departure the throne was passed down to his only son Mr Raghuveer Singh Ranawat. When Raghuveer became the CEO of Ranawat and Co, he had to face a lot of hassles and hurdles being an amateur in the cruel business world filled with fox and hyenas in the form of humans. With his father gone and not by side to guide him, it caused double trouble.

However, at the end of the day he was the son of Rajrishi. He had the intelligence which he inherited from his late father. That and along with his hard work and effort, he stretch his father's business throughout the country and even outside it. Hence, the phase of Raghuveer Singh Ranawat was known to be the golden period of Ranawat and Co.

Even though, the company still needed Raghuveer as their chairman, he decided to step down from his pose and made his son become the CEO. He didn't want his son to face the same hardships as him being an inexperienced leader after he was gone. He didn't want his to be like him. He didn't just want his son to be his shadow he wanted him to be the better version of himself.

And just as he wished, his son, made him and his late father proud with his exceptional skills of being the company's new lead. Perhaps, it runs in their genes, so it wasn't surprising for the outsiders. With, their new CEO's extraordinary ideas and innovative marketing strategy, the company's profit grew to no end, making the name of the company rule over the entire continent.

And ever since then, Raghuveer's pride towards his son only continued heightening. He had continuously won the best business man award ever since his debut and yesterday was no different. However, this time there was a slight inconvenience which now lead to a swarm of reporters awaiting the arrival of the young Ranawat, the current CEO and heir to Ranawat and Co.

While the journalists were bickering and bantering about the current hot topic, a sleek black Porsche made its appearance with two silver Mercedes Benzs following the Porche back and front. Four bodyguards decended from each Benz, all wearing pitch black suits and rayband glasses.

They rushed towards the Porsche and opened the door for the man who was the highlight of day. Seeing that, the reporters started crowding around those expensive pieces of cars, trying to get a word or two from the man who had just stepped out of the Porche with so much attitude and arrogance.

As he made his way to the entrance talking long strides with confidence, his bodyguards made way for him, pushing the reporters to the sides. However, they weren't skilled enough to block their annoying questions.

" Mr Rahul Singh Ranawat, we're eager to know your thoughts regarding yesterday's event"

" What do you think about Mr Aarash Ali's achievement, beating you to the best businessman award along with you?"

" For the past three years you we the only one who had that award"

" But now Mr Ali shares that award with you"

" How do you feel about it Mr Ranawat"

" Maybe next year he'll finally beat you to it!"

" What are your thoughts about it sir?"

" Sir! Mr Ranawat!"

Ignoring their question and queries, he marched into his office completely, blocking out all those annoying human beings.

When he reached his cabin, Mr Edward Jones, Rahul's secretary scurried in bringing the report and documents he had to work on for the day.

Leaning over his comfortable leather chair, Rahul looked at his secretary sternly, making him gulp audibly. Mr Jones was already aware of his boss's bitter mood and he just wished he didn't end up being his scapegoat.

However, fate wasn't in his favour and his prayers went unheard.

" How did this happened!?" Rahul growled giving Mr Jones a pointed look while Jones, stood their with his head ducked down.

" Sir, according to last years statistics, Mr Ali and yourself, had a fair share of coverage in almost all the fields. He was actually hoping to win the best businessman award alone but it seems he wasn't that skilled enough to have it all to himself. So, that leaves both of you sharing that tittle for this year" Jones explained hesitantly with his eyes still casted down.

After listening to Jones, Rahul, as usual smashed a paperweight on the wall beside him, making it break into pieces. That made Jones to yelp but he was relieved knowing his boss had chose the wall instead of his head.

" Leave" he grumbled and Jones swiftly scrambled out of the room before Rahul changed his mind.

Hearing the door closing behind Jones, Rahul immediately kicked his desk out of frustration. He had worked really hard to secure that award for the pass 3 years and now seeing someone else being a threat to his impeccable record made his insides to simmer in pure rage.

However, he knew this wasn't the time to get angry and go on hulk mode. He needed to think this through with a clear mind. Hence, he sat on his chair and took a deep breath in and out to calm down his nerves and trying to block out those ridiculous questions.

And it did help him a little but not completely. So, he resorted to the last hope which was safely secured in his drawer. He opened the second drawer in his desk and retreated a half burned locket from it. To others, it might look like a trash picked out from an abandoned dumpster but to him it was a treasure and a last remembrance of a person he missed dearly.

He clutched the locket tightly into his fist and reminisced about the memories of that person, with his eyes shut. After, calming down, he slowly opened his eyes and looked at the alphabet grafted on the locket. It was a bolded 'S'.

Even though it gave him peace, at the same time it also made him drown in the pool of vengeance. It was a constant reminder to him, urging him to seek revenge from the person who had snatched the owner of the locket away from him.

As he sat there feeling melancholy, the sudden beebing sound coming from his phone made him scrutinize the screen. And his mood immediately took a 180 degree change after looking at the reminder popping on the screen.

Rahul's POV

F*ck!!!...I can't believe that I forgot my mom's birthday. Even though she won't show her disappointment, she would still feel a bit hurt. I guess to compensate my mistake I would just buy her a gift to make it up to her. Now comes the real problem.

What am I going to gift her?

Hhmmmmm....Uh huh!! That's it a costly Saree doesn't sound so bad.

After all who won't like a costly gift. I smirked and exited my office. On my way to parking lot, I called my secretary informing him about my departure and when I reached the parking space my driver, Kapil was already there, all set to go.

"Kapil drop me at my mall" I said curtly while Kapil gave me a confused look. "What are you looking at!" I snapped at him in anger.

"Uh....hmmm...Sir sorry, but which one of your malls do I have to drop you ?" the question was almost like a whisper. I can't blame my employees they know about my anger and that's probably the main reason why my driver is afraid of me. Anyways I haven't informed him where he should drop me.

"The mall near Valona Institution". "Right away Sir". Kapil immediately hit the accelerator and in less than half an hour I reached the mall or should I say 'my mall'.

"Sir we have reached the mall," Kapil told me while hitting the brake. "Pick me after an hour". Kapil gave me I nod and went back to the office.

As a businessman, one should always learn to kill two birds with one stone. You might think why am I even talking bullsh*t right now. Let me enlighten you, I didn't just come here to buy the gift, but also to meet one of my clients.

Stupid client, because of him I had to come to the mall not forgetting that I am also here to buy a gift for my mom but I could have always sent my assistant to buy the gift. Plus, its Sunday and the mall is gonna be quite crowded.

Diya's POV

"C' mon Khushi...I am so tired. Let's head back.....I am already exhausted" I was so done with Khushi and her shopping spree. She had already purchased like more than 10 dresses....yet she is not satisfied. Not to mention I hate shopping.

"How does it look Diya!!". " looks.... great Khushi". Are you saying that so that you can go home early and crash on top of your comfy bed? said my conscience. NO!!....I mean I am honest about this. That dress actually looks so good on her, not too tight and not too revealing. Just perfect.


Khushi's shopping was finally over and I can't wait to get back home and spend some quality time with....Well with...there was never a with and you know that. My conscience scoffed at me. Well duh, I will spend time with myself. What can be more satisfying than solitude? I had a huge grin on my face while thinking about it.

Rahul's POV

My meeting with the client was finally over and I also managed to buy a Saree for my mom. Buying Saree is actually a very foreign thing for me but I managed to buy one with the help of one of the salesgirls using my charms and my billion-dollar smiles. Typical girls.

While thinking about it, I dashed into something. Wait it's not something its someone.

It was a girl. She had deep blue eyes with black-rimmed glasses on it and wavy hair which landed just above her bosom. Her hair had a natural dark brown colour. She had quite a slim figure which was covered by a pair of ripped jeans and a T-shirt plus she was wearing a navy blue beanie. I was in a daze for a moment but then the sound of her friend calling her brought me back to realisation. Then, I noticed that she was busy picking up the cloths which she dropped when she collided with me. Girls and there craze over cloths, I rolled my eyes thinking about it.

"Watch where you are going women," I said while smirking at her. "Or maybe.... it was.... intentional? Uh is that so? If it's so, then it's fine you don't have to apologies. After all, I know that it's hard for any women to even resist looking at me" I said cockily and winked at her.

"Excuse me MISTER, who the hell do you think you are?" she said while glaring at me.

Oops! Never saw that coming. Women glaring at me is something really foreign to me. Usually, they drool over me.

"First of all, you were the one who dashed into me but you are blaming me. Look mister you are the one who is supposed to apologies, not me! Finally, I don't understand why women can't resist you" she said all that in one go while shooting daggers into my body.

I don't understand what is her problem? Why is she so angry? Whatever, but that's not how someone talks to me. So much attitude.

"Watch your tongue lady...You have no idea who are you dealing with" I snarled at her. Even before I could say anything more her friend came for her rescue.

"Sorry, sir. I apologies from her behalf" her friend said with a worried face. From the look of her face, I can say that her friend's apologie from her behalf angered her even more.

She sure is an angry bird.

I gave her friend a nod while glaring at her angry bird friend. Then, her friend dragged her, away from the mall and exited the door.

If she knew that I own this mall and I am a freaking billionaire, she would have not even dared to speak in front of me. Besides that, she would have also thrown herself willingly on top if me hoping to impress me.

She needs to be thought a lesson. Good for her I have other good things to do and I was also in a hurry. I wish I never see her again.