Concealed Curves

Diya's POV

My mood had been terrible after the encounter with the stranger at the mall. He was an arrogant jerk. What does he even think of himself? He didn't even mind asking sorry. Instead, he kept on singing about his glory and mocking me at the same time.

How dare he?

I was fuming in anger. If it wasn't for Khushi, I would have punched his face and removed that smug look off his pretty face. If you guys are wondering why am I so angry...Let me tell you something. I HATE ARROGANT PROPLE TO THE CORE! He was such a jerk. No, wait! He was an 'arrogant' jerk and how dare he thought that I would drool over him. As he ever looked at himself in the mirror? He looks like an ape in a suit. I don't give a damn about who he is.

How dare he judge me?

Most importantly, I don't drool or check out my opposite sex. That never happened and neither did I ever crushed over someone. My friends call me weird for not having a crush during high school while they were crushing over various actors and some of the boys from my school. Some of them even went to the extent saying I was pretending. Well, guess what? I don't give a freaking flying flipping f*ck! You don't, believe me, that's your problem, it's none of my business.

I don't even understand how they crush over someone. I never understood that 'term' anyway. The only thing that I ever remember crushing is tons and tons of paper filled with my failed methods of calculations. Gosh....I really hated math. I shrugged and grimaced while thinking about it.

I just follow a simple principle which is,' if you have a shitty personality in my eyes you will have a shitty face' and that applies to everyone without exception especially to Mr Jerk. Which now makes him the Ugly Jerk.

I wish I never see him again.


Khushi's POV

"I can't believe you are doing this again Diya" I shouted at Diya after looking at her attire. She is such a stubborn girl I must say. "Diya why don't you understand? I have told you many times to stop this shit but you are not listening to me. If you keep continuing what you're doing right now, I am so gonna inform your parents about your whereabouts" I said while being really angry at Diya.

Diya POV

"Cool Khushi...nothing will happen. Chill girl" I said while giving her a comforting smile. If you are wondering why Khushi is yelling at me, let me tell you something. I am an underground racer. I have been racing since I joined med school. It's just a hobby that I enjoy doing and I love the thrill that I get while racing and on top of all that, the smell of victory makes me intoxicated. I am the best racer among the racers and you might think, that should make me filthy rich. Well, I race just for thrill not for money. I have never used a single penny from the money that I gained from the races whereas I donate all the money to charity.

No one knew about me racing and being a racer since I don't reveal my identity while racing. I disguise myself as a guy while I am racing. But Khushi found out about it. How? Well one night while I was sneaking into the apartment with my racing avatar, Khushi hit me with a frying pan on my face and started yelling hysterically calling for help thinking I am a thief. You know what happened next, the usual. There was a lot of drama followed by an explanation and a hell of pleadings and begging. Initially, she was upset with me for not telling her about it and for keeping it a secret for the past two and a half years. She had become so worried about my safety since that day and tried convincing me to let go of racing but that ain't happening any time soon.

"Khushi promised me that you won't tell about this to anyone. Besides you don't have to worry about me Khushi, I have been racing for the past 3 years and I am still in one piece. Trust me Khushi this is the only way I get to release my stress and frustration" I tried to reason with Khushi.

"But Diy-" I cut her off before she was able to complete. " C' mon Khushi....I promise you, I will be fine. You trust me don't you?" I asked Khushi with a pity face. "Whatever, stubborn brat!" she huffed. I chuckled and thanked her. Then I wore a cool wig and stuffed my hair inside the wig and placed my cap on my head facing backwards. I must say every time I got ready for the race, I fail to recognize myself in the mirror. It's like I guy standing in front of the mirror. Thank god, not having curves does has its advantages. I smirked while thinking about it.