The feelings are mutual B*tch

Diya's POV

The race was awesome! And as usual, I freaking nailed it. I mentally patted myself for the victory I am about bask tonight. Leaving my bike at the parking space, I started trotting to my apartment humming a country song from my playlist that I hadn't bothered to look up its name.

And lucky me, by the time I reached my apartment, Khushi was already in deep sleep.

Thank the devil!

I quickly got into my room, changed into my PJs and hopped onto my cosy bed. The hell that I was about to face in the name of an interview was my last thought before I slipped into a sound less slumber.


I woke up around 9.00 in the morning with the help of my 'terrific' alarm and went to shower. Since its an interview I went for my formals. I wore black slack pants and a navy blue button-up shirt with my sleeves rolled until my elbow with my coat on top. I made my hair into a high ponytail and wore my flat cover shoes which were also black. Yeah! Black is bae.

Then I looked at myself in the mirror. I didn't apply any makeup because it was never my thing. I only applied powder to my face and went to the kitchen to have breakfast.

I saw Khushi having her breakfast and she gave me a smile. Soon, that smile changed into an angry glare.

Oops! I am in deep shit right now.

"Diya...don't tell me you got that bruise on your forehead during the race last night" she said while gritting her teeth. " Uh! No Khushi, it was because of a stupid car driver who just got his license yesterday" I said in an annoyed tone.

Not just that, he dared to call me a newbie in driving. IDIOT!

"He was the one who hit me. It was not my fault" I defended myself. Khushi wasn't convinced with my explanation but somehow, I got her convinced and left for my interview with Khushi wishing me good luck for the interview.

Then, I hopped on my baby and made my way to the interview.


When I entered the company, I was greeted by the guard standing at the entrance. He was in his mid-forties and I smiled at him acknowledging his greeting. I went straight, up to the receptionist and asked her about the floor where the interview was about to take place.

" Honey, go straight up to the elevator which is on your right side and hit the button with floor number 30 and that's where your interview will be. All the best dear!" she said with a smile.

Isn't she sweet...I think I will get along with her. Wait! but for that, I must first get the job, which is far from possible. I sighed and entered the elevator.

When I reached the floor, the sight of women who were there to attend the interview made my stomach churn. They were wearing the most sl*ttiest cloths that I have ever seen. I felt so disgusted seeing them. It seems like they were here for a strip club casting not for an interview. Which I am exactly here for.

Above all that, those women were eyeing me with an 'Eww' expression on their face, as if I am the one wearing sl*tty cloths. I look down at my attire to see if anything was wrong, it was perfect. What is her problem anyway? Well, the feeling is mutual b*tch. I thought mentally and huffed.

Later, the interview started and those women checked how they looked before entering the interview room. What's the point in doing that anyway. Like seriously....' checking yourself '. I bet she must have done that like a million times even before coming here. I chuckled at my own thought.

Since I am the last person to be interviewed I noticed those coming out of the CEO's office were very angry. Their faces were red and it was fuming with anger. Even though, I sat far away from them, I could clearly hear them cursing the CEO under their breath. Some even sobbed after exiting the office.

Oh no! I am in trouble right now.

The CEO must have been very rude to them. How am I gonna survive this interview? Will I be rejected? I really want the job. I sighed and waited patiently for my turn.

Then I saw the last person stomping out of the room and now it was my turn to enter the lion's den. God save me.