
Diya's POV

I woke up while groaning as the sunlight hit my face. I saw the time on my phone and it was 7.30 in the morning.

I swiftly got down from the bed and took a quick shower. I wore a creamy pink colour shirt and rolled the sleeves until my elbow. My pant was a navy blue colour pants. I tugged on my shirt and took a look at myself in the mirror, I was ready for office.


Once I came to the living room, I saw Dave sleeping on the sofa with a frown on his face. He should be feeling uncomfortable sleeping on the sofa. I thought.

Then, my eyes fell on Stev who was sleeping on the floor, hugging his vodka bottle.

Stev and his love for alcohol. I chuckled at myself. Then, I saw Ria and Khushi coming out from Khushi's room.

They smiled at me and I smiled back.

" Hey Diya! Ready for work already?  That too this early?" Ria asked me being really shocked. " Well, I don't want my boss to say 'I hate tardiness Ms Sharma ' on the first day at work," I said while shrugging.

Ria gave me an are-you-serious look.

I just chuckled at her.

" Diya about last night" Khushi started but I cut her in between. "It's ok Khushi you don't have to feel guilty for what happened last night. It's alright" I gave her an assuring look.

" No Diya, we should have not gone overboard. I am sorry " Khushi said with her face hanging down. " Yeah Diya, Khushi is right. We should have not gone overboard. " Ria said once she remembered what happened last night.

Last night it didn't turn out as I expected. I kept on crying, which worried my friends even more. Ria and Khushi took me to my room which was insisted on by Stev and Dave. They made me lay down on my bed, pulled my blanket over me and tugged me in. They knew that I was not in the state to explain to them anything last night.

They knew that I wasn't ready to share anything with them at the moment. So, they decided to not ask me about it. Told you they are so understanding. Hence, I just cried to sleep last night.

Now back to Ria and Khushi.

" Guys it's ok. You don't have to feel bad about it. Besides, you guys have full right to know about my whereabouts. But it's just that...." I trailed my answer.

" We understand Diya. You don't have to say anything. Your happiness matters the most. If you don't want to talk about it, its completely fine. But just remember this you will always have our back " Khushi said in a comforting tone.

I pulled them into a warm hug after hearing that. I am so lucky to have them by my side.

That explains that they already got the idea of me having some kind of unpleasant past. But I don't want to discuss it, because I myself am trying really hard to forget about it which I always fail to do. The more I try to forget about it, the more I remember it.

I sighed deeply and gave them a faint smile.


I left the kitchen after having breakfast with Khushi and Ria. They wished me good luck for work while grinning at me.

While I was leaving, I saw the boys still sleeping soundly. I didn't want to wake them up, so I tiptoed out of my apartment after taking my bike's key.

When I reached the parking lot, my phone rang and I  took a look at the caller ID on the screen. It was from Jenny.

What! Why is she calling me now?

I grunted and answered her call.

" What is it, Jenny?" I asked her feeling infuriated. " Nothing Diya, I just called you to wish you good luck for your first day at the office," she said over the phone.

" Who the hell informed you about me going to work? Are you stalking me, Jenny? " I said feeling really frustrated. "No Diya, I am not stalking you. I got to know about it through Khushi's facebook status which I saw accidentally. Don't I have the right to know about your whereabouts? " she almost whispered the last part.

" No!!" I answered her curtly.

" My whereabouts are none of your business and I don't need your fake concern. Save it for those who get fooled by you. Don't fritter your time on me. So if you are done with your blabbering I will hang up" I told her while gritting my teeth.

She didn't say anything, so I just hung the call.

I wore my helmet and headed to the road.


Jenny's POV

I started tearing up after Diya hung the call. I don't know when she will forgive me. I hope that day comes soon.

God, please give her the heart to forgive me. I can't die with the quilt in my heart. No matter how long it takes I will wait for your forgiveness Diya.

I snapped out of my thoughts once I heard my daughter's faint voice.

" Mommy! Mommy!, where are you?" she called me while rubbing her eyes.

" I am here dear. What happened Chloe? You want anything honey?" I said while looking at my eight-year-old daughter.

" Mommy, you haven't completed the story that you told me last night. Did the princess forgive the witch?" Chloe asked me eagerly.

Now I was really trying hard to fight back my tears.

I pulled Chloe into my arms and rest my chin on her head. " I really hope that the princess forgives the witch. I really hope so" I said while thinking about Diya with tears rolling down my face.

Chloe was really confused by my words but she remained silent in my arms.

I wish I could embrace Diya just like this.


Diya's POV

I reached the office around 8.40 a.m. Thanks to my bike I didn't get stuck in the traffic. I greeted the guard, gave a smile to Mrs Varma, the receptionist and entered the elevator. In the elevator I realised someone tapping my shoulder. It was a guy around his mid-twenties. He was wearing a white button-up shirt with a navy blue blazer over it and I black pant.

" Hi! I am Varun Ghothri. I am the finance head in this company" he said while extending his hand.


Well, I was never a people's person and that's probably why I am an introvert with communicating problems.

"Uhm...Hi! I am Diya Sharma. Mr Ranawat's PA " I said while giving him a handshake.

" So, you are the newbie. Is this your first day at work? " he asked while smiling at me.

" Uhm....yes sir," I said while looking at the floor feeling nervous about my first day at work.

" Oh! C'mon Diya, I didn't tell you my name, expecting you to call me 'sir'. You can call me Varun. You are actually doing me a favour by calling me by my name " he said looking at me.

I gave him a confused look. " Because calling me 'sir' makes me sound old," he said while winking at me.

Both of us started laughing after he finished his sentence. We chatted a while about the company and I even asked him some question regarding his job. He was a very warm and funny person.

Soon the elevator reached the 30th floor and it was time for me to face my arrogant boss.

" It was a pleasure meeting you sir...I mean Varun. It was a pleasure meeting you Varun" I said giving him a handshake.

" The pleasure is mine Diya. See you later. Best of luck " he said and the elevator closed with him standing behind it.

I made my way to his office and waited outside his office. I saw the time on my watch and it was precisely 8.55 a.m. Once, it was 9.00 a.m, I entered his office after knocking.

Here goes nothing.