You're in love?

Rahul's POV

" Kapil, make it fast. I don't want to be late for office" I yelled at my driver who was steering to my office.

" I am sorry sir but the traffic today is quite heavy," he said while honking.

I let go a frustrated sigh and started scrolling through the newsfeeds on my phone. It keeps me updated about business, share market stock price and about currency.

While doing so, the memories of last night strike me.


" Hey bro! long time no see" Vimal said with a huge grin on his face after noticing me arriving into his private bar.

He pulled me into a manly hug and I did the same. We drank and started having a man-to-man talk. " So, what brings you back to London?" I asked Vimal while sipping my wine.

" Oh! I forgot to mention, I am here to meet my....." he trailed.

" Your....?" I asked him.

He scratched the back of his head and his face turned as red as the blood moon.

What the heck? Is he blushing? Ok, now he is freaking me out.

" It's nothing dude, a few months back I got acquainted with a girl through facebook and we became friends within a month. I proposed to her yesterday and she accepted my proposal. So, I am here to meet her " he said all that in one breath leaving me astounded.

I blinked my eyes once, twice, thrice, trying to process what he just let out. I couldn't believe my own ears. Vimal Singh Raichand, the well-known casanova has fallen for a girl?

Is he playing a prank on me? After all his middle name was 'prank master'. Wrong move buddy, I am not falling for your tricks.

" Oh! That's lovely.... are you guys planning to get married or its a living together relationship? Or is it the just-for-fun-thing? Find someone else for your tricks 'prankster' " I said chuckling while emphasizing the word 'prankster'.

Vimal glared at me with his bloodshot eyes.

Is he mad that, I found out his prank? Such a brat. Huff....

" What? Why are you scowling at me?" I said throwing him a dubious look. " Don't you dare taunt my love Rahul?" he said sternly.

Love? Ok, that's enough for now. Wake up, Rahul. It's just a stupid dream.

Vimal sighed deeply.

" I can't blame you, it's justified for you to think so. After all, I was well known for my playboy behaviour" he said gazing at the wall behind me while chuckling to himself.

" You won't understand how I feel for her. I have changed a lot after meeting her and the rest was all a fairy tale, it's for you to know and for me to remember " he said while giving me a faint smile.

The whole time while he was explaining, I kept on blinking several times in disbelief.

" Dude, are you serious!? You're just 25, you still have a lot more to enjoy in life. You can even be with girls prettier than her. Why are you settling so soon? Think about the responsibilities and woes that will be over you along with her " I said trying to reason with him.

"It's not about the looks Rahul. Besides, I have been with models and actresses who were gorgeous than her. I accept, at first, I was after her looks but once I got to know her on a personal level, I fell hard for her. About enjoying life, I don't think I could enjoy my life without her " he said while blushing.

Eww did he pick that line from an awful cringey romance novel? Yuck! I am so disappointed with you man.

" Right now, I can't make you understand how I feel but once you find the love of your life, you will understand my feeling," he said giving me a mischievous smile.

" Love of your life" I scoffed. " You must be kidding me! I am soberer than you Vimal, I am not a fool to fall for this 'love' thing" I said while mocking him.

" Then, I will wait for the day where this mighty 'genius' would turn put to be a world-class fool," he said stressing the word genius.

" You wish," I scoffed while he shot me a mischievous smirk.

End of flashback

The sound of my car's honk brought me back to my senses. Then, I realised that it was the red signal. I groaned since I was getting late for office.

When the signal turned green, I saw the girl pass by me on her bike. To my surprise, it was Diya! She was in her formals and tied her hair into a high ponytail.

Wait! I have seen that bike before, its the same bike that I hit yesterday. I still recognise the number plate ' WAW 4345'.

Yes, I took note of the number plate of the bike that night. Just in case if I had to deal with the victim of the accident. Moreover, it was my fault after all. What made me become bewildered was, why is Diya riding that guy's bike? How are they related? He seemed at the same age as Diya. Are they together? To whom does that bike belong? It looks like a costly bike. Did he gift her the bike? I was confused but I stopped myself from jumping into any conclusion.

Anyways, it's her life I didn't want to intrude her privacy.


After reaching my company, I went into my office and I started working on my laptop about a project that I was currently working on.

I noticed Diya standing out of my office and I glanced at the wall clock, it was 8.55 a.m.

Being punctual aren't we angry bird.

I grinned evilly while thinking about my plan to teach her a lesson. When the clock hit 9.00 a.m, I heard her knock the door and I told her to come in.

This is gonna be really thrilling!