Coffee revenge went wrong

Diya's POV

" Good morning sir," I said with a tight smile. " Good to know that you're punctual Diya," he said with a chuckle.

" My secretary, Mr Jones will show you your cabin and will give you a tour around the company. So, that you won't get lost over here" he said without even looking at me while working on his laptop.

Arrogant Jerk...

" You can leave now Ms Diya, my secretary will let you know about your tasks and don't forget that I hate to see tardiness among my staffs. Hope you're clear about it " he said while smirking.

If he wasn't my boss, he would have been lying on the floor with blood oozing out of his mouth right now.

I gave him a nod and made my way to the door. Before I was about to reach the doorknob I heard him say " And don't forget to bring my coffee exactly at 9.45 a.m.".

I nod my head in agreement and exit his office.


After the tour around the enormous company, Mr Jones showed me my office. It was a classy office. I took a look around my office and I must say it was lovely.

I glanced at my watch, and it showed 9.40 a.m, I remembered about Mr Ranawat's coffee.

Shit! I almost forgot about it.

I quickly made his coffee and was on my way to his office.


Rahul's POV

Finally, I was done going through the report that my secretary sent me, regarding a current deal with Starks & Co.

Now I was waiting for my prey to enter my office. Exactly, around 9.45 a.m., Diya came with my coffee. I took the cup from her and started sipping my coffee.

What the hell?

The coffee had no sugar and it had a lot of milk in it. It was the exact coffee that Mary, my previous PA would make for me. How did she know about my coffee? I was actually preparing myself to lash at her for bringing me an awful coffee because I thought she would probably bring me an ordinary coffee and I thought I could create a scene about it.

Like throwing the cup away, spilling the coffee or even like throwing it on her face but I was disappointed. I huffed mentally.

Thank your stars angry bird but it won't help you all the while.

I kept the coffee cup on my table and glared at her.

" Is something wrong with the coffee Mr Ranawat?" she said in a sarcastic tone.

" No!" I said while throwing a file in front her. She gave me a confused look. " Well don't just keep looking at me, I want you to gather the information about our new tender and also I want the details about our enemy companies who are competing with us for this tender. I want it within 2 hours " I said sternly.

" Ok sir," she said and left the office with the file.

My plan to insult her regarding the coffee might have flopped but you won't get away this time Diya. Mark my words.


Diya's POV

I knew he was up to something, since the day he appointed me. The smirk plastered on his face explained a lot of things. I mean like who would appoint someone who has misbehaved with them and walked away just like that. Knowing Mr Ranawat, he is sure not a person who would forgive those who have hurt his ego.

Therefore, I was super careful with him. Although he was my boss I didn't want to give him a chance to insult me. Lucky me, Mrs Mary had left me a note regarding the coffee. Therefore, I made the coffee according to her saying.

The expression on his face once he sipped the coffee was priceless. I am pretty sure that he didn't expect the coffee of his taste from me.

Haha...Diya 1 point, Rahul 0 points.

I guess he was disappointed that he couldn't say anything to me regarding the coffee which he was eagerly waiting to do.

Pity him.

Later he gave me a file saying " Well don't just keep looking at me, I want you to gather the information about our new tender and also I want the details about our enemy companies who are competing with us for this tender. I want it within 2 hours ".

I guess his quota for taking his revenge was done for today. Hope there isn't any loophole waiting for me this time.


I sat on my chair and was about to work on my task and that's when my stars made me do something right opposite that I was actually about to do.

I got a damn call, from....I don't even have to look.

" Hey," I said nonchalantly.

" Hey what's up?" said Khushi from the other end.

Seriously? She is asking me. Great. Am I not the one supposed to ask her that? Because technically she called me.

" Well duh, the sky what else?" I said rolling my eyes.

" Feeling bored at work already," she said completely ignoring my comment while giggling.

What is up with her giggling all of a sudden?

"Not exactly...but yeah..." I said trailing off.

" Then be ready around 6.00 p.m. to have some fun. We are going out tonight to have dinner and I am going to make you meet the person that you have been eagerly waiting to meet" she said while giggling AGAIN.

Geez, what is up with her giggling. That is very......rare.

But she said I am gonna meet someone. There is a train of thoughts in my mind right now.

Who could it be? The person that I wanted to meet? Could it be....

John Cena?

Roman Reigns?

Dean Ambrose?

Olivier Giroud?

Lionel Messi?

Dean Ambrose?

Seth Freakin Rollins?

or wait....don't tell me THE MIGHTY UNDERTAKER?

Just to let you know, I am a huge fan of football and WWE. Well, where did you think all that punching and kicking thoughts came from whenever I see Mr Jerk?

Don't judge me.

Who could that person be from my 'people-to-meet-before-I-die' list?

I couldn't hold myself but to ask " Who?"