Who Is She?

Rahul's POV

While I was boring holes into her head, figuring all the possible ideas of her being here, the lady that left me alone without any company approached her. Diya was very excited to meet her and even from a few feets any from them I could notice the twinkle in her eyes. The same eyes where I only found sorrow and despair swirling in them.

Even though their conversation wasn't audible, the bond that they shared could be seen very clearly. But the question is how is she related to that lady. What is the so-called bond that they share? Although I am not a nosy person, all these questions arising in my mind made me go haywire.

She sure is going to be the death of me.

Man....no girl was this confusing. I swear I have made no scratch that, I mean I did nothing and all the female species around me were swooning over me but she is the exact opposite. I am the one trying to understand her, chasing her, cracking my precious mind to at least get some sort of clue about who this mysterious girl might be.

And why is that? Well isn't that question absurd? Obviously, like how a bloodthirsty vampire would do in all his control to suck the hell out of its prey. I Rahul Singh Ranawat known as the ruthless billionaire, am waiting with my predatory instincts to suck the living daylight out of my prey. The prey who is known as Diya Sharma. * evil smirk*

While I was busy planning my prey's destruction, the lady who was previously talking to Diya hurried towards me.

Oh, so now her pea-sized brain remembers my presence. F*cking B*tch!

" I am so sorry Mr Ranawat. I got caught up with something on the way. I am really sorry for making you wait Sir " told the sorry a**. " Oh, thank god you actually f*cking remembered living me here with a company" I mocked her very smoothly. Her eyes bulged out taking my vulgar words. However, she just chose to apologies again and brought me to the office without giving me any lectures about how one should actually respect and be polite with elders, like how usually all oldies would ramble.

Good for her.

After entering the office, she gave me several documents to sign. I went through the documents silently and when I was done checking the documents, I grab hold my pen and signed it. She thanked me for my presence and also for helping the kids over here with our funding. I replied to her shortly and was about to leave.

But this one burning question was eating me from inside. I just couldn't wrap myself about it. I had to get this out of my chest. So finally I decided to ask the question for which the answer that I am dreading to hear.

" Uhm.....Ms Annie, can I know who was the girl that you were talking to just a moment ago?" I asked as politely as I could. " Sir, I don't understand. Who is this girl you are talking about?" she asked with a confused expression. " Diya! I am talking about Diya. Diya Sharma" I said losing my patience. "D-Diya...." she stuttered with her eyes widen like saucers. " Yes, Diya!" I said with a pointed look.

Suddenly, the colour from her face drained and sweat beads could be seen forming on her forehead. Ok, now that is weird. What is there for her to be worried about?

"   Uhm....a-actually sir, it's not m-my place to tell you a-about her," she said with a shaky voice breaking my chain of thoughts. As soon as I processed her words, I gave her a pointed look challenging her. " Look, I am not a stalker if that's what you are wondering. She is actually my employee and I was just surprised to see here. That's all" I replied smoothly to make her succumb to my motive of knowing what the hell Diya was doing here.

From her body language, one could clearly see that she is still contemplating telling me about Diya's presence at the orphanage. Looking at the situation, I decided to clear my throat to get her attention from her wandering thoughts. I guess that actually worked and she glanced at me and gave me a defeated look.

She sighed and took a deep breath. " Sir, Diya is also one of the funders who donate funds to this orphanage. Just like Mrs Ranawat. So, it's her routine to visit the orphanage every month without fail " she said handing me over the proof of the funds that Diya has donated to the orphanage.

Not abling to believe a single word that she just uttered, I snatched the doc hastily from her hand and skimmed through it. Heck! What she said was actually true. The number of funds that she had donated to the orphanage was more than the funds that my mom has ever donated in her entire life for anything. But there was one question.


From where did she got so much money and that too in such a young age? If she was that filthy rich what was her call in working for me? Heck! What was the need for her to even work? Is she playing some sort of a sick game? WHO IS SHE!? God.... the moment I think I am one foot near discovering who this girl might be, she throws a bomb in front of me in the form another info about her making me take 10 feet back from her.

" Ms Annie, your presence is needed immediately! " said a girl rushing into the office bringing me back to my senses. " I will be there right away," she said and was about to leave but I beat her to it. " Ms Annie, our conversation isn't over 'yet'. I want to know from where does she get this much of money considering her age and she has just started working. But looking at your records, It seems that she has been donating for a very long time. So do you care to explain? " I said desperately trying to be calm although my insides seemed like it would erupt anytime.