Girls Day Out

Rahul's POV

As I was expecting an answer from Ms Annie, she was busy fidgeting thinking what to say under my scrutinizing gaze. That really made me lose my patience considering the level of patience that I actually have.

" Sir, it's not my place to tell you about Diya's whereabouts. I am so sorry sir. Even if I wish to tell you her source of income, I couldn't because even I am not aware of it " she said making me even more frustrated.

Well, what the hell does she mean by she is not 'aware about it'. This is so f*ucking annoying. Urgghhh.....can't she ever be a normal being and make everyone's life easier? Absolutely not. She always has to carry that mysterious aura around her. Diya...I swear to god ones I get to the bottom of this, I am gonna end you and your secrets for good.

" Uhm....sir, I really have something important to tend to. So if our conversation is over, can I leave?" she asked with uncertainty. " Yeah, we are done. You can go but I want this conversation to be confidential!" I said giving back the file that had the proof of Diya donating funds to the orphanage.

" Sure sir. It will be confidential" she said and exited the office leaving me to swim in my own pool of thoughts. No matter how hard I think, I just couldn't come to a conclusion about where Diya might have got that much of money and if she did had that much of money, why work for me?

So, finally, I just decided to push those thoughts aside for time being. Its high time for me to get out of here. This place is driving me nuts. Man...I have to get out of here ASAP! Therefore, I called Kabir and made a move.

When I was busying myself with my phone going through my emails while waiting for Kabir, my eyes again fell on someone who I did not wish to see. Diya. She was also leaving but not alone. She was with a guy. He seemed to be around her age and she was talking happily with him. Soon, they left the orphanage in that guy's bike.

Now, who is this new character? Is he her boyfriend? Or maybe they are just friends? Friend or boyfriend, I really don't care because she is gonna fall for me anyway.

* honk *,* honk* the noise from Kabir's car brought me back to earth and I quickly got into the car and left from that hell hole. Too many things happened today. Too many information to process but its nothing that I can't handle. I just shrugged my shoulder and busied myself with office work to get of Diya from my mind.

Diya's POV

After the orphanage visit, I felt like I just lifted two mountains loaded with osmium. I was so damn tired. I guess playing with the kids did wear off me. Stev dropped me at my apartment and headed to meet his parents. Now, I was standing in front of my apartment door, reminiscing about the events that took place a few hours ago at the orphanage, waiting for my dear friend Khushi to open the door.

Then, suddenly the door creaked open and there stood Khushi yawning and rubbing her eyes like a kid. Looks like she just woke up from her deep slumber. I chuckled looking at my sleepyhead friend.

" Rise and shine sunshine. Did you have a good night sleep?" I asked getting inside our apartment while throwing my jacket on the couch. " Good morning to you to Diya. I am mad at you for not bringing me with you to the orphanage" Khushi said while crossing her hands over her chest and huffed like a kid. I chuckled at my friend's antics, trying to be a lioness when it just made her look like a cute kitten.

" My dear friend the last time I checked, people don't wish good morning to others around 1.00 in the afternoon" Khushi's jaw dropped hearing that but I did not stop. " And babe for your second question, I didn't wake you up because you we in a deep slumber with your mouth gaped and drool coming out of your mouth. Here look, I even took a picture!" I said and showed her the candid picture that I took this morning. Khushi glared at me with fake anger. " What now? Don't give me that look, babe. How can I bring myself to wake up a sleeping beauty who had an eventful night with her.....special someone? " I said and winked at her. She blushed furiously and I couldn't contain my laughter as I broke into a fit of laughter.

" Diya....." she whined like a child while I was laughing like there was no tomorrow. " Okay. Okay. I am sorry about that. I was just pulling your leg " I said raising both my hands up in the air in a surrendering manner. " Don't jump into any conclusion idiot, we just had dinner last night and he is planning to bring me to his parent's place?" she said beaming with happiness. " No wonder someone is on cloud nine today," I said wiggling my eyebrows.

Khushi rolled her eyes playfully and went inside. " I know that you are secretly blushing behind my back. You don't have to hide it dear" I yelled and heard her groaning in frustration. I chuckled hearing her groaning. " Diya! Gosh I forgot to tell you, me and Ria planned to go on a girls day out today and you are coming with us. I am not going to take No for an answer" she said and headed towards her room. " No....way.....I am too tired to even move a cell in my body. You guys can go and have fun but please don't drag me. I wanna sleep....." I said and snuggled more into the soft cushion in our living room. As soon as I finished saying that, a pillow came flying into my face with a thud sound. " What the!" when I raised my head to take a glimpsed at the culprit, the culprit was standing there with another pillow ready to attack me again.

" Ria..." I whined looking at the culprit who had just disturbed me when I was about to go into a peaceful slumber. " You are coming with us, missy. No butts and no whining. Come on, be a good girl and get ready for our outing and if you dare to give any lame excuses, you know exactly what I will do" she said looking at the pillow in her hand as if its some sort of a dangerous weapon.

" Please, Ria...I am so tired. You guys carry on na..and I will join you guys next time and by the way, you said its a girls day out right? So why me?" I said cheekily. Ria gave me a pointed look. " Uhm...huh...I guess that wasn't funny" I said while scratching the back of my neck.

" No! I guess I have to talk to you via my actions" she said and started approaching me with her sleeves rolled to her elbows. " Okay. Okay." " Okay what?" she asked raising her left eyebrow. " Fine! I will come with you guys" I said in a defeated tone. " Thank you so much, Diya. I promise you're gonna love this day and not regret it one bit" she beamed in happiness. " But I highly doubt it" I muttered under my breath. " You said something? " Ria asked frowning at me. " Nop, nothing! " I was quick to cover up.

" Guys!!! I am ready shall we go? " both our heads snapped to look at Khushi who was wearing a simple floral dress with a sweetheart's neck. " Yeah, of course," I said nonchalantly. " Are you not going to change into anything else? " Khushi asked suggestively making me frown. " What is there to change anyways," I said looking down at my attire. I was still wearing my favourite ripped jeans and I simple black shirt which I had worn to the orphanage earlier this morning. " Your choice of clothes missy" Ria said in a duh tone. " Well too bad you can't change something which is too good," I said and a stuck out my tongue like a kid. Both Ria and Khushi rolled their eyes and dragged me out of the apartment. " God please show mercy on me during this outing" I murmured and we left our apartment shortly after another bantering about who is going to call the cab.