
Rahul's POV

After the argument with Vimal, I went to the only place in the world that could calm my boiling blood. And that is exactly where I went after slamming the door on those idiots faces. Now I am standing in front of the place which had united us. The place where it taught us what true friendship meant. The place where we once used to hide away from our parents when we pull out stupid stunts making our parents hunt us down. The place where we would support and comfort each other when we get to know that the other had had a foul day. It was the place where we found ourself and its the exact same place where we had lost ourselves and got defeated by fate.

I still remember the memories of us building this treehouse away from our parent's knowledge. I chuckled humourlessly thinking about all the things that had happened in this very place. The very place where friendship and trust had turned into hatred and vengeance.

Flashback 1

"Vimal, get that hammer! This treehouse is almost done bro" I said fixing the last branch of our treehouse. But in a split second and very much to my horror the ladder beneath me started to shake and I was about to kiss the ground. I closed my eyes tightly waiting for the impact but it never came. When I peaked opening my left eye, I saw SID holding the ladder and grinning at me. "Don't worry bro. I got your back. I will never let you fall" he said giving me a toothy smile.

I smile in relieve. "And I got your back buddy I said hopping down from the ladder. "Haawh...." we heard someone whining." That was no fun, Sid. You should have left him there and then. Wouldnt it be hilarious to see Rahul kissing the ground?" Arjun mocked us playfully while I and Veer snorted. "Guys.... someone over here wants to see something hilarious. So what say we show him wants hilarious?" Vimal eyed me and Sid shooting us an evil grin. All three of us winked at each other as soon as we understood what Vimal meant while Arjun stood there dumbfounded.

"Why do I have a feeling that something evil is cooking inside your brains? " Arjun said backing away. But we didn't give him a chance to move. We lunged at him taking predatory steps. Soon, I caught Arjun's head while Sid and Vimal caught his legs. We swung him in the air and the landed on his butt in the waterfall near our magnificent treehouse.

"Now that was fun! Wasnt it?" all three of us said in unison while Arjun threw profanities at us which sounded like a melodies song to our ears.

Flashback 2

"G-Guys my d-dad caught me smoking t-today. I am so scared. I don't wanna go h-home" Arjun wept showing us the places where his dad had whipped him. We pulled him into a group hug and comforted him. "Arjun, don't cry buddy. We are here for you. We will talk to uncle, come with us. You can't hide forever. Come. Apologies to him. He will forgive you" Sid said drawing soothing circles on his back." No! I am too scared to face him. Please stay with me today" sobbed the 17-year-old lad like a 3-year-old kid.

That night we stayed with Arjun comforting and supporting him.

Flashback 3

"It's so damn cool Sid," Vimal said grazing his locket which was engraved with his initials. " Exactly dude! Where the hell did you get this idea bro" I said looking down at the locket engraved 'R' around my neck.  "Dude isn't this thing kind of a girly thingy?" Arjun said gaining a glare from Sid and a punch from Vimal.      "Ouch! That hurts" winced Arjun.  "Now, does that sound like a dude thingy" Vimal chuckled while Arjun snorted. " Guys, this is a friendship locket and I got all our name's initials engraved in it. Its a symbol of our friendship and don't you guys dare to take it off " Sid said sternly. We all nod our heads in agreement while Sid grinned from ear to ear.

Flashback 4

"YOU BASTARD! YOU DON'T DESERVE US! YOU FUCKING BETRAYER! MARK MY WORDS. I WILL MAKE YOUR LIFE A LIVING HELL. It's A PROMISE! I OWE OVER SID, I WILL F*CKING DESTROY YOUR LIFE " Rahul yelled at the top of my voice as Vimal was trying really hard to hold him back.

"He deserves that f*cker. All three of you are BLOODY CHEATERS! You guys betrayed me. I F*CKING HATE YOU GUYS!!" Arjun shouted and started throwing continues punches on Rahul's face. "STOP IT GUYS! JUST STOP IT!" Vimal said separating Arjun and Rahul who were at the middle of tearing each other apart. "For god sake just stop this fight, if you guys ever felt that the care and trust that you guys showed towards one another was true and not fake," Vimal said while Rahul left Arjun's collar forcefully. Arjun scrunched his nose looking at the blood coming out of his mouth.

"To hell with your friendship and trust. YOU GUYS ARE DEAD FOR ME from today onwards" Arjun said throwing his friendship locket on their faces and stormed out of the tree house breaking his bonds with them forever. "You will surely regret this one day Arjun. And when you do realise your mistake we won't be beside you! " Vimal retorted while Arjun went away from their lives without paying any heeds to whatever Vimal had mentioned.

"Rahul, at least you try to under-" Rahul did not wait for Vimal to finish as he stormed out of the treehouse leaving a shattered Vimal behind.


I closed my eyes thinking about all those memories flashing in my mind. Life had taken a huge toll on us and here I am standing feeling lost and despair. I slumped down and kept watching the treehouse hopelessly. I wish I was fast enough to save you, Sid. Please forgive me. I never taught that our story would end like this. I clenched my fist tightly holding onto Sid's locket. The only remembrance of Sid that I had possessed.

You will pay for this Arjun and that's a PROMISE!