The Race - Part 1

Diya's POV

"and that's how I ended up racing" I narrated the entire story to Dave and Stev while they sat rooted in their seats dumbfound. Khushi had gone out for an outing with her bf while Ria had left to have lunch with her family leaving me behind with Dave and Stev all alone to explain myself in our apartment. Khushi you had to leave me alone with these two raging bulls when you already knew that I needed your support the most. Urghff ...if looks could kill I would have been dead already.

OMG! I wasn't at all expecting this at the moment. I never imagined that I would get caught like this and that too all of a sudden. I haven't even prepared my 'actually-I-din-mean-to-hide-this-from-you-guys' speech. Come to think of it, it's my fault that I had got caught anyways. *sigh* I cautiously looked up at my friends smiling sheepishly, expecting them to throw tons of question at me but the look on their faces made me bow my head in embarrassment. Dave had a disappointed look while Stev's eyes reflected fury. Did I mess up that bad?

Last Night

"Haa....finally I am back to bussiness," I said enthusiastically, accelerating my bike to today's oops... sorry to tonight's destiny. The sound of my bike is just a melody that I can never get enough. Tonight is actually a very big night for me. I have been waiting for this night for years and I am finally here! I am finally gonna make a record! A new record. God.....I am so excited and I can already feel the adrenaline pumping in my system increasing my heart rate to another level. Tonight I am gonna race with the top, no.1 racer in our city. No one has ever won a race over him. He has crushed most of the well-known racer's pride and ego under his feet through his countless victories over them and he is none other than the one and only, Lucifer Knight. Yeah, you heard me right. LUCIFER KNIGHT. His name itself is enough to make people go weak at the knee. He can bring anyone down to his feet within the snap of his finger. People say that he is a mafia hidden behind the mask of a businessman. He built his empire from scratch. I mean scratching innocent people's souls. He kills without thinking and walks as if he owns the world.

You can ask me what a guy like him is doing over here. Oh well, like how usually rich people have craze over things like cars, hotels, casinos, pubs, drugs and etc. This guy is addicted to bike races and he is so full of himself because of his mighty skills in racing and to top it all up, he had never lost a race. Yet. So here I am preparing myself for my dream race against LUCIFER KNIGHT. Gosh.... why am I nervous all of a sudden! You can do this Diya. Just pull yourself together. You got THIS.

"RACERS!!.... To your positions. The race will begin in a couple of minutes" I was snapped from my thoughts hearing the announcement. This is it Diya. It's now or never. I wore my helmet and headed to the starting line after releasing a breath that I didn't even know that I was holding on for so long. Once I reached the starting line, I saw all the other racers roaring with their bikes making my hands suddenly sweaty. But there was no sign of Lucifer. Did he suddenly back off from the race? That's strange and...weird.

"HHeelllooooooo everyone!!! I Damion Collins, I welcome you all to the most awaited race of 2018!" the host of this race said enthusiastically making the crowd cheer and roar in excitement. "You might have seen numerous races in your life but this race....this race is going to blow your mind. Gals and Lads! Here I present to you the great and most ruthless racer of all time, LUCIFER KNIGHT" much to my and everyone's dismay he didn't show up. I heard people's whispers and muffled voices. Where the hell is Mr Mighty anyways. But the host paid no heeds and said "Let the race begin" with a sly smile dancing on his lips.

"Racers..... On your positions" I heard the engine sound of all the racers' bike. They were all so focused with their eyes forming into slits."3...." Chill Diya. Breath in breath out. "2..." I got this. Yeah, definitely I got this. "1..." This is it. This is it! Omg, I can hear my heart thumping loudly in my ears. "GO!!!!" as soon as the host swayed the flag, I felt the air beside me brushed pass me like a lightning. What the...the crowd starting chanting Lucifer's name like a mantra, cheering for him. Then, it clicked. Holy shit.....the lightning that brushed pass me was him, Lucifer. Before I could think further, all the other racers started speeding away one by one. And with that said I furrowed my eyebrows and speed away, determined to win my dream race.

Our current racing track is not at all a normal track. It's really dangerous to the point where one could fall from the cliff and die instantly. It's said that only the dared once will be able to put up with this race. As I raced, I saw several racers making sharp drifts and turns. I frowned when I saw a fellow racer beside the racing track clutching his bleeding elbow and throwing profanities at Lucifer, calling him a dirty player. If only that didn't alert me. As I continued the race, I saw almost all the racers laying beside the track, cursing Lucifer. What a wicked jerk. I thought and raced faster to teach this a**hole a lesson. Soon, I spot him a metre away from me. Now let's see how you knock me down. * smirk *

Writers POV

The crowd had anticipated for this moment of the race. The whole place was pin-drop silent. People were biting their nails anxiously. Suddenly, a biker crossed the finishing line and everyone started cheering for Lucifer. But when the person took off his helmet, the crowd went mute and people stared at the winner without blinking their eyes. The host approached the winner hesitantly and after making sure that the winner isn't a ghost he sighed in relief and disbelieve." Lads and gals here I present to you the winner of the race....." realising something, he instantly turned and whispered to the winner "Hey boy, what's your name?" The winner smirked and pointed to his name on his jersey. "A-Ajay Goora..." the host mouthed to himself before announcing the winner's name to the crowd. (A/N sorry for not mentioning earlier guys😁. Ajay is none other than Diya. It's her ring name. Sorry for making you guys wonder 'now who the hell is this guy'🤣 )

Some cheered and some booed. The host hand over Diya an envelope with money, the prize for being the first to cross the finishing line. She grabbed her prize and started making her way to her bike, not paying any heeds to the booing crowd. Suddenly, she was hoisted into the air making her breath caught in her throat. Her legs were dangling in the air making her eyes bulge out. When she snapped her head to look at the person who was holding her by the collar, she

was greeted with the beast's blood shooting eyes. His breath, filled with anger was fanning over her face making her gulp audibly.