The Race - Part 2

Diya's POV

OMG!...this is not how I had imagined my death to take place and I definitely don't wanna get killed by this psycho. I thought has I kept staring into Lucifer's dagger shooting eyes and he had no intentions in letting me go at the moment. I guess I have angered him way too much during the race. I suddenly remembered how I had won the race. That made me smile sheepishly at him while Lucifer tightened up his hold on me. I guess he remembers that too.

During the race

I kept on increasing the speed when I saw Lucifer from my peripheral vision. I was very cautious while riding beside him. I just didn't want to take any chance. Considering that I am already dealing with a dirty player. He gave me a wicked smirk once he noticed me. He quickly extended his leg towards my bike.  What the hell is he trying to do? Is he freaking gonna pull my bike stand! Come on Lucifer, is that what you got? I expected a lot from you.

I kept on moving away from him but he was cornering me to the cliff. Is he planning to kill me? What do I do now? Think Diya.Think... No matter how far I moved away from him, he kept on cornering me to the edge and also kept on blocking my way every time I tried bypassing him. I am not sure how long I could keep up with his dirty tricks?

Suddenly an idea popped in my mind.  Ah hah!!😈. My eyes brighten when I saw a narrowed lane at the edge of the cliff. The guy who was hell-bent on making me lose the race didn't see that coming. How could he when the only thing he wants now is to push me over the cliff. Well too bad for him. Time to make him taste his known medicine. I thought internally, making a sharp turn and pulled his bike stand instead. Well, I guess I learned from the best. My sudden stunt took him off guard and made him lose balance. He tripped from his bike and was about to fall from the cliff. I quickly approached him still, on my bike. I gave him my hand, gesturing him to climb up. He was hesitant but eventually, his precious life came first before his pride. I pulled him up and he landed near the cliff panting heavily.

" See....this is what happens when you play dirty. I had a lot of respect for you, hearing people praise about your racing skills but I never knew that your strategies were mere tricks" I shook my head in disappointment and rode pass him while he just glared at me all the while. I suddenly stopped midway and saw him clutching onto his bleeding knees. " Hope you have learned your lesson" I finally speed away and reached the finishing line.


I snapped from my flashback as I heard as a growl. Wow...I never knew humans could growl like that! Really Diya? Your life is at stake and the thing that concerns you the most at the moment is his freaking growl? Really? My conscience mocked to put some sense in me. I guess my conscience did a great job in bring back my sanity and I started to tremble under his furious gaze. By now the crowd and the other racers formed a circle around us.

" You.....rat! How dare you make a mockery of me?" he growled shaking me by my collar. I think I weighed nothing to him. He shook me effortlessly as if I was a mere feather. Not to mention I did look like a rat compared to his gigantic frame. " Answer me!!!" he yelled again.

Come on Diya girl up! You're not a coward. Of course, I am not a coward but I don't think so my physical strength would help me win this situation. Its time to use my brain.

Do you even have one?


" If you don't mind...can you put me down so that we could talk like civilized people" I spoke confidently pointing my finger to the ground but only I knew that what it took me to utter that.

" What if I said NO! " he said raising me higher into the air. OMG! OMG!

" Hey, man put the boy down! Be a man and accept the fact that you have been defeated by a boy" yelled one of the racers. Don't misunderstand his words to be words defending me. Nop. Absolutely not. This guy just likes taunting the losers and I learned that through experience. And as much as I know this guy will never let the chance to taunt the Great Lucifer to slip out of his hands.

" Look! Someone can't believe that he has lost for the first time and that too to a boy" the same guy said mocking and laughing making fun of Lucifer. That made some to snicker but they never dared to laugh out loud while the guy just laughed clutching onto his stomach. See exactly what I meant! Jesus christ....whatever this guy is doing right now is not helping me at the moment. The taunt made Lucifer's face to turn scarlet red. His anger just got intensified. Shit.....if this was an animated movie you can literally see smoke coming out of Lucifer's ears.

" You....all this is because of you! What is your name?" he snapped at me. Why does he want to know my name?

" The name's Ajay Goraa" one of the racers did the honour of introducing me to the beast. Great! Just great! I hate these racers. Wicked creatures.

" Or should we say petite Goraa," said another racer making me snort. Everyone started laughing hearing that. Now you see why I clearly hate their existence. They hate me as much as I hate them. Why? Duh.....clearly just like Mr Mighty they couldn't handle defeat as well.

" SHUT UP!! All of you!!!" Lucifer boomed at the crowd making me flinch. " And I am not done with you rat! How dare you make a mockery of myself? " he repeated the same question but this time through his gritted teeth. " Well, to be honest. I never made a mockery of yourself. It was you who made a mockery of yourself and I just taught it would be kind of me to help you do that" I managed to say without shuttering even though internally I was trembling.

" You....." Lucifer fists his hand and was about to punch me on my face. I was waiting for the punch with my eyes tightly shut but it never came. When I opened my eyes I saw I hand preventing Lucifer's fist from landing on my face. When I traced the hand to look at my saviour, why eyes went wide. I am busted. Totally.