I am coming for You!

Rahul's POV

" Ranawat, your mother's wounds are healing pretty fast and I think in a couple of days we can remove the stiches. Though, her recovering is quite good, you still have to have an eye on her health. Make sure she takes her medicines accordingly and PLEASE....I mean please ask her not to skip her meals. It's improtant that she gets all her nutrients to stay healthy. Rather than that, everything else is normal" our family doctor, Dr Raghu said while closing his briefcase and tugging in his stethoscope.

" Sure, doctor I will make sure of that. Thank you so much" I said and sighed after he left. " Beta....Rahul, you forgot to have your protein shake" my mother said entering my office at home. I stood up abruptly, frowning at my mother. " Now, now why is my son having that ugly scowl on his face?" she asked handing me my protein shake that I usually have every morning. " Whatdo you mean by WHY mom? I just met our family doctor and to be honest, I am not at all happy with how you take care of yourself mom. I know why are you doing all these fastings. I respect your believe but you should understand that your health is also equally important" I said getting frustrated at my mother.

" Beta...our doctor gets worried for eveything and anything. He will even go crazy for a small scratch. Don't mind him" she said cooly. " SMALL SCRATCH....you call this a small scratch" I exclaimed pointing at the bandaged wounds. " Beta, it's just an accident. I just got a little light-headed and lost my balance while coming down the stairs" she said making me roll my eyes. " Exactly mom! Why do think you even felt light-headed? Mom, seriously if you keep on continuing this, I will have to hire a personal nurse for you just to make sure you eat properly and I mean it" I said looking pointedly at my mother.

" Beta please, there is no need for a nurse. I am fine. I can take care of myself" my mother said stubbornly. " Yeah of course. I can clearly see how are you taking care of yourself. For god sake mom, if it wasn't for some strange girl you would have fractured your bones!" I exclaimed throwing my hands in the air. Instead of replying me, my mom started smiling to herself like an idiot. I eyed her suspiciously but that goddamn smile was still plastered on her face. " Mom, why are you smiling" I aksed getting irritated. That broke whatever trance my mother was in. " Uh? Nothing beta....I was just thinking about the girl who saved me. She has such a kind soul. It's difficult to meet people like her these days" my mother started going on and on about her saviour. I couldn't stop myself from rolling my eyes.

"and her name is..." she was still not done with her story. " Mom! Enough I think my ears are gonna bleed if you keep going on with your story about the glory of this girl and also if you like this girl so much why don't you bring her to our home and start worshipping her" I said getting annoyed with my mother. My mother didn't even give two f*cks to whatever I said and gave me a wicked smile. Wait...I know that smile. That smile means trouble. Especially to me and I have became a victim of that smile numerous times.

" Mom, stop smiling like that. It's creepy you know and don't plan anything evil" I said in a warning tone. " Oh, trust me beta this time it's going to be anything but evil" she grinned and left my office leaving me in confusion. Oh my god.....PLEASE...I don't know whether you exist or not but please...if you do then save me from whatever that is cooking in my mother's brains. I thought and continued my work.


Unknown POV

It was Sunday and as usual, I was sipping my morning cappuccino glancing at the city that I grew up in, through the transparent glass windows of my office. Suddenly, I heard the door squeaking that we usually hear when someone tries to sneak up on us. I pretended as if I was oblivious to whatever that was happing around me and continued enjoying my cappuccino. I sensed the person taking baby steps behind me through my peripheral vision and when they we about to place their hand on me, I grabbed their hand and stood up abruptly taking the person by surprise. The person's hands were crossed behind their back by my muscular arms while I faced the person's back.

" Baby! Omg....sorry! It's me. Chill. No need to be so armed" told the person still showing their back towards me. Reality hit me and I quickly let go of the person's arms. " Tina...what are you doing here? " I asked in disbelieve. " Oh, ho...c'mon babe, what kind of a question is that? I can be wherever and whenever I want to be. By the way, is this how you treat your GIRLFRIEND aka your future WIFE?" she exclaimed while rubbing her wrists which now had red marks with my finger impression on it.

" I am sorry Tina. I wasn't expecting you here. I am sorry. Does it hurt too much?" I asked examining her swollen wrists. " No, it's okay. I am good. What are you doing here? I can't believe you're working even during Sundays....it wouldn't hurt if you take a break once in a while you know" she said rolling her eyes. " I know babe...but there are still some pending works that needs to be sorted out", I said sitting down on my chair after pecking her cheeks.

" You and you're never ending work! You don't even spend time with me these days" she said giving me an irresistible pout. " I am so sorry babe. I will try my best to make it up to you but not today. Some other day" I said giving her my killer smile. " Fine!" she huffed and turn around her heels stomping towards the door" I love you, babe! Thanks for understanding" I yelled as she closed the door with a tud sound.

I sighed in relief and continued my work. Suddenly, my phone started ringing showing my PA's name. " Yes Amit", I said swiping my phone. " Good Morning sir, sorry to disturb you but I had to give you this piece of information asap," he said picking the words carefully while talking to me. " What is it," I asked leaning leisurely on my chair. " Sir, I am sorry to say this, but we have lost the tender with our recent client" he whispered fearing my anger. " Was it because of him!" I roared over the phone. " Yes Sir" he shuttered making me angrier. I took a deep breath to cool my nerves and compose myself before answering him. " Ok, I will see to it later. Thank you for informing me" I said in a neutral tone and cut the call.

I swear....one day he will pay for all this. I will make sure that it happens. Count your days, I am coming for you. I am done playing with him. Now it's time to show him who is the real kingmaker. I thought while smirking to myself.