
Diya's POV

It was another boring day and another boring task at my workplace. I groaned at the amount of work piled up on my desk. " it only me or everyone here is gifted with this shit amount of work" I said flipping through the nth file. I closed the file being annoyed with myself and my pathetic fate. I placed my forehead on my desk and closed my eyes trying to cool down my nerves.

As on cue, my phone started ringing making me groan. It's like the gods above me telling " No no this girl doesn't deserve to rest in peace. C'mon make her phone ring before she gets to enjoy her slumber". I swipe my phone and placed it on my left ear with my head still placed on the desk. " What! " I barked without looking at the caller ID.

" Hello to you to dear" Khushi beamed over the phone. Why can't I be carefree.... just like her? You know, always happy and cheerful. Because you are a overthinkning walking nuisanse. There goes my conscience once again. Now back to Khushi.

" Hm, hi..." I said massaging my aching temples. " What's troubling my babe by the way?" she asked amusement lacing in her words. " Nothing. Just work....What's the matter" I asked rubbing my eyes. " I taught maybe we could hang out for lunch" I could already imagine her honey brown eyes filled with hope.

" I don't know Khushi....I still have work to complete...I am not sure whether I could make it or not. I don't think so going out with you would be a good idea when you have a hulk for a boss breathing down your neck" I said getting frustrated with my overbearing work.

" C'mon girl! It won't hurt to live your life a bit Diya. Suck it up and bring your ass down to the parking place. I am waiting for you and I won't take no for an answer!" she said sternly over the phone and hung up.

What the....she did not just order me did she? Newsflash she DID order you sweetheart...urghh...I should remind myself to ask whether they are stubborn or not before making friends.. in future. Yeah definitely! *cough* some is forgetting *cough* that they never made friends to begin with * cough* and it has always been the other way around. Oh enough you! Give me a break. You ARE having your lunch break dear.

I rolled my eyes at my conscience's lame joke and started stuffing my belongings in my office back pack cleaning my desk. I headed to the elevator muttering a string of curses as the elevator started moving down. The elevator dinged open and I hastily came out and banged my head into a hard chest. Great. Just great.

I stopped my "cursing Khushi session" abruptly and glanced at the living human rock that I banged into moments ago. My eyes widen in surprise and I swear I forgot how to breathe for a moment. The person in front me reflected the same expression staring at me without blinking his eyes.


Rahul's POV

I was busy going through the file that contained the deal that I am gonna seal with the Watsons today. This deal is so important for me and I won't tolerate any mistakes. Therefore, I took the job of going through the file by myself. As I was going through the file, suddenly the intercom buzzed, distracting my undivided attention from the file. It was my receptionist.

" Sir, there's someone here who wants to meet you but he does not have an appointment. But he mentioned that you were looking forward in meeting him and he is here to give you a surprise with his presence" she said spiking my curiosity.

" Name?" I asked curtly.

" Hm, excuse me sir, can I get your name?" I heard her asking my visitor's name politely. " The name's Arjun...Arjun Raizada.." I heard the name over the phone and I instantly started fisting the paper in my hand.

" Sir- " she started but I cut her immediately roaring " let HIM in!" over the phone and quickly hung up.

"ARJUN RAIZADA" I said through gritted teeth.


Diya's POV

" Diya..." Arjun breathed out in utter shock. If you guys are wondering who is this Arjun, then let me enlighten you. ARJUN my cousin who I had lost contact for several years. But what is he doing here ?

" hm....Hi?" I tried to sound enthusiastic but it came out more like a question. He immediately engulfed me into a bone-crushing hug which I returned hesitantly. He suddenly pulled away and glared at me. " Where have you been all these while? Do you know how worried I became? It was like you disappeared in thin air after that unfateful day" he asked in a worried tone.

" Arjun....I-I was helpless after that day. Everything seems blur whenever I try recalling that day. It took me several days to regain my senses. I-I.." I tried explaining smoothly but remembering that particular day, formed a lump in my throat making me shutter at the end of my explanation.

Arjun threw a pity look making me feel pathetic of myself. I swiftly wiped away my freshly formed tears that were threatening to fall. " But what are you doing here? " I asked sobering up. " I asked first! " he said firmly making me roll my eyes. " I work here" I said shrugging my shoulders. His faced controted in annoyance yearning a confused look from me.

" Now my turn, what are you doing here?" I asked out of sheer curiosity. " I am here to meet an old friend" he said stressing the word friend more than needed. "Who- " before I could finish my sentence my phone started buzzing showing Khushi's name.

Shit....I totally forgot. She is still waiting for me at the parking place.

Arjun was still waiting for my explanation about my sudden disappearance after that day. I sighed clearly not in the mood for an explanation at the moment. " much as I would like to continue this conversation, I have to leave now. We will talk about this some other day. I promise!" I said gaining a glare from Arjun. After what felt like ages, he finally nod his head in understanding.

" Fine...but you owe me an explanation. Don't think that you can repeat history again" he said forming his eyes into slits. I know what is he talking about. I sighed internally and said " I won't..." looking down trying to control my overwhelming emotion. "Good. So text me when you're free and we will meet for a coffee. Sounds good?" he said with a grin, ruffling my hair which made me whine. Finally the playful Arjun that I know is back.

" Okay" I muttered under my breath. He hugged me once again and we finally parted saying our goodbyes.