You? You?

Rahul's POV

I was watching Arjun like a hawk through the CCTV camera, from the moment I slammed down the phone. Rage was building up in me looking him, taking steps to the elevator. Just as the elevator opened revealing Diya, Arjun's demeanour changed completely making me become curious. Both of them were utterly shocked to face one another. Since I was watching them through CCTV, I couldn't make out what transpired between them. But one thing that I was clear about was that both of them seem to know one another quite well. It was clear through their body gestures.

Then my mind started to get clouded with all the what ifs. What if he was the one who had sent her to work for me? What if they conspire against me? What if she is here to bring down my empire? But through their gestures, it seemed like they were meeting after a long time. How are they even related?  Are they even related? Maybe it's his Ex or maybe current girlfriend but what about that bitch Tina? Urgh....this is so fucking confusing! My mind isn't working straight. What if that bastard talks her into ruining my company? The fact that she already hates me will definitely come to his benefit too.

My nostrils started to flare thinking about them conspiring against me. I swear if it was so, I will ruin both of them and Diya will have to face all the consequences. I tried thinking about it like a civilised person but anger was getting the best out of me and it was not helping at the moment.

Then, my door was clicked open revealing the bastard himself. I snapped out my own internal battle and faced him eye to eye. " Hello, there friend...Long time no see" he said smirking knowingly, making me wanna kill him there and then. I glared at him clenching my fist trying to control myself and he returned my glare with the same intensity. It seemed like a staring competition between two swoon enemies and none of us wanted to back off.


Diya's POV

The walk from the elevator to the parking place felt like forever. After my unexpected collision with Arjun, my mind was working like a tape recorder, rewinding all the things that I had wanted so bad to forget but it still plagued by not making me move forward. My legs had a mind of their own whereas I was lost dwelling in her memories....

My steps never came to a halt until I saw Khushi waving her hand for me at the parking place. I quickly came out of whatever trance I was in and waved back at her with half the enthusiasm she showed while she waved at me. I shook my head vigorously from left to right, attempting to shoo away all those thoughts that had successfully evaded my mind and I started taking long strides towards Khushi before she gets suspicious about my sour mood and makes me blurt out the reason behind it. Nop. Can't let that happen....

An overly depressed soul in it's vulnerable state with an overly concerned friend is fatal for those who wish to keep their secrets buried within them. And I definitely wish to bring my secretes along with me to my coffin.

Once I approached her she smacked my shoulder earning a confused look from me. " What was that for? This is called child abuse" I said rubbing the place where she had smacked moments ago, faking the pain. " That was for making me wait and about the child abuse...FYI you are no child" she said rolling her eyes. " Great observation darling so if we are done with your ranting session about my tardiness....shall we make a move?" I said rubbing my stomach which had started to growl, very much to my dismay. Khushi started laughing making me grin as well.

I quickly pulled out my phone to call a cab but Khushi grasped my wrist and asked " what are you doing?". " Well duh booking a cab since you think coming with me on a bike will be hazardous to your life" I said huffing playfully. " But if you have second thoughts you are always welcome to ride with me" I said wiggling my eyebrows.

" Oh no no....I still have a long time to you can keep that offer to yourself. I just wanted to say that we already have a ride and there is no need to book a cab" she said ushering me towards a black tinted Lamborghini. " How?" I asked getting confused gawking at the car. " Diya your question should be who?" she said smirking at me. I arched my eyebrow at her, giving her a ' what do you mean look'. She royally ignored me and pushed into the car awaiting us. " What the hell Khu-" I swallowed my words once I saw the person sitting at the driver's seat. My eyes became saucers once the person turns to look at me and we both yelled " You? You?" in unison.


Arjun's POV

" What do you want???" Rahul spat breaking the glaring competition between us. " I should be the one asking that question! " I spat back. " Look, I don't have time for your bullshit....just come to the point" he said typing away on his laptop furiously. I took a deep breath to cool myself and to gather some sanity.At least one of us have to be sane if we decided to talk like civilised people right?

" Look Rahul, just like you I don't have time to deal with your bullshit either. All I am asking is why are you behind my back like a hyena? Plotting against me? Ruining my business? Seriously? What are you a 5 year old? " I said while sighing and shaking my head at the same time.

On the other hand, he pretended as if he was not listening and continued his work making be frustrated. " I understand that whatever we had years ago is over now but that doesn't mean that you have to disturb my peace every passing second! You go your way and I will go on mine. Don't assume that I am saying all this because I feel defeated by you or I don't have guts to face you. I am very sure that you are aware of it. I just don't want trouble in my life or in my business. Trust me this is for both of our betterment." As soon as I finished my speech, I glanced at Rahul waiting for his reply with a frown on my face.

God....I really really hate him. I don't even want to look at him. I won't be standing here in front of him, if it wasn't for Tina. I wish to start a happy and peaceful life with her but with Rahul behind our back....that won't be possible. So here I am standing in front of him, almost begging him to forget this revenge game.

" If you're may leave Mr Raizada" he said without a trace of any emotion while slamming his laptop. " You will regret this Rahul!" I said in a dangerously calm tone. He scoffed and looked straight into my eyes. " You are highly mistaken Mr Raizada...the only thing that I ever regretted, keep regretting and will forever regret is the day when I made a snake called Arjun Raizada as my friend" he said in a neutral tone, getting up from his chair. " Rahul!!!" I yelled at him grabbing his collar.

" I am not the snake here Rahul! I have never been one either. It was you and Sid all along. You guys tried to ruin my relationship with Tina. It was you who wanted to ruin me back then and you're still trying to ruin me. You were never my friend and you have never been!" I said booming at him

" Don't you dare take Sid's name" he shouted shaking my collar. " You have no rights...and you call whatever you have with that bitch a relationship! Really? A relationship? And we tried ruining it?" he said laughing like a mad man. " Don't you dare talk about her Rahul" I boomed at him.

" Why is the truth hurting you so much? That's the truth. She is a sl*t and you're a manwhore! A match made in hell!" he laughed throwing his head back laughing like a psychopath. " How dare you?" I fumed and started punching him and he returned my punches with the same intensity, bursting my bottom lip. We were so caught up in our fight that we didn't even realise the security barging into the office, trying to split us apart. " I am not done Rahul! Don't think that I will let go of this" I said trying to realise myself from the security that was holding me back from punching him.

" I am not done with you either! Mark my words.....I will go to any extend to ruin you and your people. I will make you feel the pain that I felt. The pain of losing the person close to your heart, the person that you care for, seeing that person taking their last breath in your arms. I will ruin every single person that you care for....every single one. That's a PROMISE. A fucking promise!" I heard him shout at the top of his voice as the guard dragged me out of his office while the other guard was holding back his boss who was screaming like a maniac.

" Leave me! I know the way out" I said wiggling out of the guard's hold. Throughout my walk, from the elevator to the parking place and throughout the drive my mind was constantly thinking about Diya and Rahul's threat. A shiver ran down my spine thinking about Rahul avenging me using Diya. Fuck! If he gets to know about me and Diya, he will go to any extend to ruin her as well. God....this is so complicated...Why did Diya have to work for him? I should warn Diya as soon as possible. I will never forgive myself if something happens to Diya and that too because of me!

I entered my apartment and slumped down the couch thinking about the events that took place today. Me meeting Diya. Diya working for Rahul.  My encounter with Rahul. Rahul's threat. Man....what a day....I thought massaging my temples.