Devil Boss

Diya's POV

I swallowed the lump formed in my throat, looking at the devil standing in front of me. Okay, I might be a little scared. No scratch that I am actually petrified. I have seen him angry but his current calm but dangerous demeanour is freaking the shit out of me. Blame my instincts but I have a very bad feeling thinking about the current situation. His deep breathing and blood shooting eyes are not helping either. Having enough of the silence, I took a cautious step towards him.

" S-sir....I can explain-" I said in a shaky breath but he cut me off even before I could complete my sentence by grasping my wrist tightly and pulling me out of my cabin. I gasped at his sudden action. " Sir....w-what are you doing.....leave my hand. It's hurting. Sir listen to me for have misunderstood....Sir...Sir..." I kept on rambling but he decided to give me deaf ears and dragged me harshly along the corridor. Suddenly, all the staffs stopped whatever they were doing and stared at the sudden commotion happening in front of them but none of them voiced against their jerk boss who was currently manhandling a woman. They eyed us like we were some sort of entertainment to them and started whispering among themselves.

I have never felt this humiliated in my entire life and just thinking about me being the topic of gossip for today at the cafeteria made my eyes stink but I fought back my traitorous tears from falling down. I will not show my weakness in front of them and specifically not in front of him. While I was giving myself a pep talk to brace myself for whatever is going to be thrown upon me, that stupid jerk of a boss dragged me all the way to his private elevator, pushed me harshly inside it and punched the ground floor button still holding my wrist tightly.

" Sir, leave my hand. You're hurting me. Let go!" I said hitting him on his shoulders while he stared at the closed elevator doors not budging a bit. " I said let go you FREAK!" I yelled. " SHUT UP! JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!" he roared at me making me flinch. At the same moment, the elevator doors dinged open. As soon as it was opened he pulled me out of the elevator and marched taking long strides. I had to jog to keep up with his inhuman pace. Where the hell is he bringing me? I hope he is not planning to silently kill me!

My train of thoughts came to a halt as soon as we reached the open parking lot. He threw me hard against one of the cars parked there making my elbow to collide with the vehicle, forming a cut on my elbow. It started bleeding due to the cut and it made me winch a bit. However, I decided to not show any ounce of weakness. I immediately straighten myself and shot him a daring glare. I did no mistake so why should I cower away like a coward. I won't let others to step on me or intimidate me. I need not fear no one when the truth is on my side.

He pulled me by my arm and glared at me. " How dare you look into my eyes after pulling that cheap stunt by swapping my contract papers huh? How dare you? " he sneered at me while I desperately tried prying his hands away from me. " Let go of my hand you jerk....I did not swap your were the one who picked the wrong file....and you're blaming me for that. You're insane!" shouted not bothering at all about our surrounding. " DON'T YOU DARE SHOUT AT ME! I can ruin your life within a snap of my think you can fool me so easily? Do you think you can just say this and escape from my wrath? Tsk Tsk Tsk" he said shaking his head left and right with a wicked smile plastered on his face. " What are you saying? I fooled you? That doesn't make any sense!" I said finally prying his hand from my arm. " Oh so now you want to act all innocent and say that you have not been conspiring with my greatest enemy and it was not his idea to ruin this deal for me to ruffle up my feathers?" he said making me more confused. Excuse me, but what?

" What conspiring? what enemy? Are you out of your freaking mind? " I asked being completely confused with his sudden accusation. He started laughing dangerously throwing his head back. " Yes, I am insane and am going to show you what this insane person is going to do. Don't even think about acting innocent to get out of this situation. You will pay for what you have done" he said menacingly. " But I did nothing you fool!" I sneered having enough of his nonsense. " You know what? I am done said I planned all this fire me and get over with it. I am so done being your PA" I said and turned to leave. I need air to breathe. His presence is suffocating me. I had had enough of his bullshit but before I could make a move he grasps my wrist yet again. What now?

" Ah hah, not so fast I said you will pay for what you did. Have you forgotten about the contract?" he said quirking his eyebrow. Please tell me I can kill him and not go to jail. " To hell with you and your contract," I said snatching my wrist from his hold. " Wrong choice of words be a good girl and listen to me carefully," he said coming closer evading my personal space. I quickly took a step back not wanting to be anywhere near that filth and scrunched my nose giving him a disgusting look. He paid no heeds to my action and took another step trapping me between him and a car behind me. I swear if he even tries anything funny, he will be getting a blue eye as a gift from my 👊. Looking at my expression he decided to smirk at me. Stupid jerk.

" Now, as a boss, it's my responsibility to discipline my employees who have forgotten their place. Again, it's my job to show them their actual worth. So, Ms Diya Sharma with all honour you are going to replace the guard on duty today who is responsible for this open parking place. Being my PA you're already aware that today we are having a board meeting with my company's investors. They will be here at any moment which is going to make the job extra difficult for you. I am going to give a day off to the guards who are working in this specific parking lot and you my dear are going to replace them. I hope you are aware of their job. Open the gate for each and every board members car and don't forget to salute them. Show them the place to park their car and be polite and greet them with a smile" he said all that calmly, each time inching closer towards me. " No way!" I said pushing him hardly on his chest which made him stumble a bit. " I am not going to do that and you... are you out of your mind? This is ridiculous!" I said throwing my hand in the air frustratedly.

" You have no saying in as I say or trust me you don't want to face the consequences" he gritted out. Suddenly, his secretary Mr Jones appeared from nowhere panting heavily. " you go," he said giving Rahul a neon green nylon vest. I looked at it curiously. Rahul snatched the vest from his Mr Jones and threw it on my face. " Wear before you start your job. I don't want my investors knowing my PA replacing the guards" he said curtly gaining a disbelieving look from me while Mr Jones shot me a pitiful look. " Jones....have you gathered all her stuff and sent them to my cabin?" he asked Jones making my eyes go wide. " Yes sir," said Mr Jones looking down not meeting my gaze. " Good. So, Diya I have your belonging which is your phone and your purse. You can't walk out from here without them and you can't call anyone to come for your rescue. Also, don't even think about escaping the building. You might have access to the gate of this parking place but the building's main gate is off-limit. There are guards guarding my building like watchdogs so don't even think about it and I will have this" he said snatching away ID card, smirking down at me. On the other hand, I stood there stunned and speechless holding the neon thingy on my hand. This whole thing is taking a toll on me. One minute I am in my cabin working my ass off and the next minute I am here standing as a watchman.

Rahul turned to walk away with his secretary closely following behind him. Suddenly, he stopped in his tracks and turned to look behind him. Has he finally realized his mistake? Is he having second thoughts? All my hope came crashing down as soon as he opened his mouth to speak. " I hope you don't disappoint me sweetheart and don't forget this is just the teaser to the hell that you are about to experience" he smirked and left me standing there with my mouth wide open. I should have known. Who am I kidding? After all, the lion will never show mercy upon it's prey.