A day as a guard

Mr Jones( Rahul's secretary's) POV

" Boss.....I have brought the CCTV footage that you asked for...." I said placing it in front, my young boss. " Run it," he said curtly. I swiftly inserted the footage being careful not to irritate my already furious boss. It's the footage where the boss and the girl bumped into each other early today. After a while, it started playing gaining our undivided attention. We could clearly see both of them heading towards each other without their conscious. I inspected it closely while my boss looked at it furiously. Then, it showed them colliding and their cat and dog fight. Finally, it showed boss picking up the file still glaring at the girl and storming out of the corridor.

After looking at the scene, boss stod up grumpily. He took long strides towards the glass panel which was of his height and looked at the city in front him while taking deep breaths while pinching the bridge of his nose at the same time. " Boss...I think according to the footage the girl seems innocent" I said picking my words cautiously. " I still don't believe her. It can't be an accident. She must have planned all these beforehand. She will not be proven innocent until I get to know what was the conversation between her and that bastard. So until then, she would be considered guilty" said my boss taking his seat. " But si- " I wanted to reason with him but he cut me off immediately. " End of discussion Jones. I don't want to hear anything. You may leave" he said waving off his hand, dismissing me. I left his cabin in utter disappointment thinking about my boss's hasty judgment.

Rahul's POV

After dismissing Mr Jones, I rewind the footage again and again. I refuse to believe what I see. I know I made the correct decision. She should be punished for what she did. I know I am right for making her pay for what she did. I know for sure that she is the culprit but the footage is saying a different story. Have I judged her wrongly? I started panicking thinking about it. No no no...Come one Rahul, have you forgotten who you are? You are the most influential person in this country and you a running a multimillion company all thanks to your great decision-making skills. So there is no way in hell for you to make a wrong decision. Talking about Diya....she deserves this punishment.

As I was busy thinking about this whole ordeal, I didn't hear someone knocking my door. Suddenly, the knocking sound became louder bringing me out of my trance. " Yes, come in," I said leaning over my chair with my eyes closed shut. " Sir the board member would arriving in a couple of minutes. So I came to notify you about that" said Lucy one of my employee timidly. " Hmm....okay. I will be there in 10 minutes" I said still refusing to open my eyes. " Yes, sir," she said and left my cabin. Now I have to meet my board members and explain to them about the deal that slipped away from my clutches. God...this day is taking a toll on me. I seriously need time to recuperate myself. I am in trouble because of you Diya! You will seriously pay for what you have done. Speaking of payback. I hope you are having fun right now. I smirked thinking about all those colourful words that she might be using right now to curse me. I picked up my coat that was lying on the couch and exited my cabin but not before checking on Diya through a guard that I had assigned to report me about her whereabouts at the parking place. " All good?" I asked the guard while walking to the meeting room. " Yes, boss. All good for now" he said in an emotionless voice. " Good. Don't let her know your presence and notify me right away the moment you find her doing something fishy" I said. " Sure boss," he said and I hung up. I know about her. She will definitely try to do something to escape from the situation and I don't trust her one bit. So, I was forced to assign someone to look after her moves. Right...I had enough of her for today. Now it's time to face more pressing issues. Finally, It's time to do business.

Diya's POV

" Afternoon sir! Your parking place is on the second row, 3 places away from the last car. Have a nice day sir" I swear I sound like those weird female computer voices. I have been doing the same thing for the past one and a half an hour but it seems like a century. The sun is blazing hot. I am drenched in sweat and I stink! Yuck. After Rahul left, I shuffled my brain numerous times to come up with a plan to escape this so-called ' punishment' but it all went in vain. I could not think of anything. He had blocked all my options. I am penniless, phoneless and hungry. Hey,  is phoneless even a word, you brainless piece of shit.... You can go to hell if you have a problem with my vocab and quite irritating me if not I might end up eating you. I am you, idiot. So that is not possible unless you decide to end your pathetic life. Oh just shut up you. I don't need your snarky comments and leave me in peace. After that, there was no reply from my conscience. Good.

" Hey what are you doing there smiling at yourself fool! Open the gate" said a guy driving a Mercedes who was wearing a uniform. " Coming!" I said and stormed towards the gate. " Next time focus on your job," he said after I opened the gate. " Sure sir, your parking place is...." he cut me off showing me his hand. " I know where it is," he said smirking at me and drove away. That brat....ughh...Rahul, even a driver is mocking me, all thanks to you. You will pay for this. I am not going down without a fight. I kept mum for all this while not because I was weak to fight back. I didn't want any problem in my smooth life but now it has gone way too far. You have crossed your limits disturbing my peaceful life. You want a war.....and a war is what we will have.

I was glaring into space thinking about Rahul and his deeds. Suddenly, there was a water droplet on the tip of my nose. I converged my eyes to look at the water droplet. Then, I looked up at the sky. Dark grey clouds started clouding the sky that was blue moments ago. Come on...you have gotta be kidding me.....