Meeting Arjun

Diya's POV

" Haahhaaaa....." I yawned not so ladylike and stretched my arms. The birds were chirping making it sound like a melodies song and the sun was shining so brightly making the day seem so wonderful.

Wait did you actually buy that? Because if you did, means you have been fooled. Nah....I was just kidding. There was no birds chirping and no sun that shone brightly. The day was gloomy and windy. It seemed like it was about to rain. What a nice day to get cosy and snuggle up but I can't do that.

I know, I know that I am a party popper for ditching such a wonderful day by not sleeping but what else can I do? I have a very very important meeting today. I can't miss this day. If that ever happens the person that I am about to meet will bury me alive. No pun or sarcasm added.