The Fatal Promise

Arjun's POV

" And....I will be done with my studies by summer, next year" Diya spluttered out while gobbling down a whole deluxe chicken burger. After entering the plaza, Diya suggested that we go for fast food. Of course, I had to object that but then she went on telling about her sob story of how she is short on money and had to save for her upcoming semester. I rolled my eyes after hearing that. It's not like I will let her pay anyways. This lunch was on me but I guess she doesn't seem to enjoy that idea.

So, like old times I let her choose and now I am looking at a human piglet eating as if her life depends on food. This....girl still eats like a foodaholic. I thought looking at Diya munching her food, fondly. For the past 1 and half an hour, she had been narrating me how her life had been for all these years. To be honest I am actually very impressed with her. I never knew this little chipmunk would grow into such a talented girl.