I Am Sorry

Diya's POV

" How long have you planned to ignore me with your eyes closed?" he asked in a bored tone making me snap out my eyes.

The nerve of this man!

" I really don't understand why you kidnapped me. Whatever, the reason might be, I would really appreciate it if you tell me the reason ASAP. I have a lot of pressing issues to deal with and I am already exhausted. I don't want to waste my energy arguing with you" I said in an equally bored tone.

" I DID NOT KIDNAP YOU!" he said his voice raising a level above an octave.

" Okay, you abducted me. It's the same. Synonyms" I rolled my eyes.

I know I wasn't helping him with his raising anger in any way but I can't help myself. He just brings the worst out of me. He glared hard at me for what I assume was 2 minutes. Then, he pinched the bridge of his nose and breathed out. I think he is trying to cool down himself.

Well, let's see how long he can stay cool.