Confused Heart

Third person's POV

It had been exactly 1 hour and 47 minutes since Reece walked out of Rahul's cabin, leaving him bewildered and irritated at the same time. Rahul was holding his head with both his hands and thinking all the possible ways where Reece could have met Diya but all his efforts of coming to a conclusion went vain.

He even thought about the chances of them meeting at the orphanage which she used to visit but he immediately shook his head. Reece wasn't someone who would visit orphanages out of boredom. He would rather sit at home and plot against his rivals. Then where could have they bumped into each other?

All the none stop thinking was giving him an excruciating headache, making him crave for his coffee. Therefore, without thinking he asked for a coffee and smashed down his landline.