Paradise Theme Park

Rahul's POV

" The fuck! What was that idiot doing in her cabin?" I grunted and scowled at the recording of Reece storming out of Diya's cabin.

What did they have to talk about anyway? I wonder what could have possibly made Reece storm out like that? Didn't he say he was just going to return her badge?

Or were they having an ex-lovers quarrel?

Was he proposing her?

Is he mad because she rejected him?

Did he not say she wasn't his type?

Ugh...speaking of types just brings me extra headache.

These fools and their stupid types!

However, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop myself from rewinding the CCTV footage where Reece was coming out of her cabin. With the way he stormed out, it really seems like they had an argument. And I have never seen the calm and collective Reece Chameron getting so out of control. He looks really pissed.

I wonder what transpired between them?