Lucian Not Lucifer

Diya's POV

" Wow doesn't this place look amazing?!" Ananya chirped looking around her. We were both wearing the same outfits right now. Why you ask? Well, Ms Ranawat thought it would be cool to wear the same clothes and go shopping. If it was Khushi or Riya suggesting such an idea I would have scoffed and walked away but I couldn't deny this chipmunk. Plus, she chose a t-shirt and jeans for both of us so I don't see a reason for me to complain.

" Yeah " I chuckled looking at the girl beside me who was currently fangirling over all the gorgeous chandeliers. And to be honest I don't regret coming here. This place took my breath away. I have never seen chandeliers as big as this in my whole life. And holy mother of cows! How does one even fit these at their homes? Damn.....