She is different

Rahul's POV

" All set?"

" We got this man! Don't sweat it" Reece chuckled making me scoff.

" Nervousness and I do not go in the same line" I felt like smacking his face on my desk but too bad I loved my desk more than his annoying face.

" Yup, I am definitely smelling cockiness in the air" he sniffed around making me roll my eyes.

" Sure. I am guessing that's your disgusting cologne" I wore my coat, took all my documents, and started moving out of my cabin with Reece shortly following behind me. I heard him snort but as usual I ignored him and took long strides out of my office. 

I had more pressing issues to deal with and catering to his stupid antics weren't one of them. 

" Hey, wait up man!" I heard Reece panting behind me as I strode into the elevator. He got in and gave me an indignant look which again I ignored. And just when the doors were about to close shut, came another panting mess.