Matthew 13




Date: January 19, 2020, Sunday

Today's Lesson: Matthew 13:1-23

* The Parable of the Sower

1. After Reading the parable and without looking at your Bible, write out a short summary of the parable of the sower in your own words.

Answer: The sower scatter seeds, first on pathway, rocky road, thorny ground and good soil. The sower noticed the good soil only bear fruits.

2. Read verses 11-12 and explain in your own words.

[check out other translation NLT,TLB, to understand better what Jesus said.]

Answer: The knowledge of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them. They rejected the Word of God that is why they do not inherit the kingdom of God.

3. Summarize the meaning of the parable of the sower in your own words.

Answer: Only planted on the good soil bears fruit.

4. Where can you see yourself in the parable of the sower? Why?

[1. Pathway 2. Rocky road 3. Thorny ground 4. Fertile ground]

Answer: I can see myself in the parable of the sower; Fertile ground.

What verse made an impact to you today?

Answer: The verse that made an impact to me is Verse 16


