Matthew 12




Date: January 18, 2020, Saturday

Today's Lesson: Matthew 12:22-50

* Jesus and the Prince of Demon

1. In 12:24-37, what warnings did Jesus gave that we must take heed? Name at least three.

Answer: The warnings that Jesus gave that we must take heed is a) our careless words; b) by lack of reverence for God; c) by our thoughts

2. What is the sin that will not be forgiven according to Jesus? Why do you think this sin is unforgivable? How is it different from other sins?

Answer: The sin that will not be forgiven according to Jesus is the blasphemy of Spirit; I think this sin is unforgivable because that is the Holy Spirit He is referring; it is different from other sins by being pure & Holy

3. Why is it important that we take care of every word that we say?

Answer: It is important that we take care of every word that we say because we are accountable & judge with that

* The Sign of Jonah

1. Is it wrong to ask for a miraculous sign? Why or why not? Defend your answer. [12:38-39a]

Answer: yes, miraculous sign is dependent on God's decision

2. What do you think Jesus is trying to point out to the Pharisees when He spoke of the sign of Jonah?

Answer: They should turn to God.

3. According to Jesus, what will be the experience of this evil generation? [12:43-45]

Answer: They do evil deeds and they are unrepentant.

* The True Family of Jesus

1. According to Jesus who are His true family?

Answer: His true family is those who believe in Him.

2. Are you included in His family? Why or why not?

Answer: yes, I believe in God.

What lesson did you learn today?

Answer: The lesson that I learn today is we must repent from our sins and ask God's forgiveness.


