Matthew 14




Date: January 20, 2020, Monday

Today's Lesson: Matthew 14:13-36

* Jesus Feeds the 5,000

1. Give at least 3 insights you learned from the miracle of the feeding of the 5000.

Answers: the disciples like Peter asked Jesus what to feed the 5000 people, other disciples saw the boy has 5 LOAVES OF BREAD And 2 FISHES, then JESUS MULTIPLIES the 5 LOAVES of BREAD and 2 FISHES.

* Jesus Walks on Water

1. Compare this event with that of Mark 6:45-51 and John 6:16-21. List down their similarities and differences and the lesson you learn from this event.

Answer: Jesus walks on the water, the disciples saw that. And Peter was asked to come to Jesus, Peter is nearly stumble on water, and Jesus held him up. He said, "Oh you have little faith."

2. What qualities of Jesus did you notice from today's reading? [Give as many as you can and don't forget to include the scripture reference.]

Answer: Disciples called him, Teacher! Teacher! Because he teaches them God's kingdom. Ok

What lesson did you learn today?

Answer: I learn today is that I should not have little faith


