Matthew 15




Date: January 21, 2020, Tuesday

Today's Lesson: Matthew 15:1-28

* Jesus Teaches about Inner Purity

1. Verse 3, Jesus said "and why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition?"

a. What are some of the common tradition that goes against the command of God?

[give at least 3 examples and explain why they are against God's commands]


Obey what ancestors taught us to do. Wash hands before we eat. Respect your father and mother.

b. How do you handle a situation when you know of someone in your family or that observe a tradition that ones against the command of God?

Answers: there are words come out of your mouth make you unclean. That's what make you unfit to worship God.

* The Faith of the Canaanite Woman

1. What lesson can we learn from the faith of the Canaanite woman?


Jesus asked, "it is 't right to take food away from children and feed it to the dogs. The woman said, "but every dogs get the crumbs that fall from their owner's table.

What verse made an impact to you today?

Answer: v28 because it is a happy ending. The woman's daughter was healed because the woman have a lot of faith.


