Matthew 17




Date: January 25, 2020, Saturday

Today's Lesson: Matthew 17: 14 - 18:14

* Peter Declares That Jesus is the Messiah

1. According to Jesus, who revealed to Peter that He[Jesus] is the Messiah, the Son of the Living God?

Answers: God the Father

a. How can you relate this to your life, meaning who revealed to you that Jesus is the Son of God. [John 17]

Answer: I would feel very happy.

2. What do you think Jesus meant by "keys to the kingdom of heaven" [16:19]

Answer: Jesus gave that to Peter, and whatever Peter allowed on earth is God in Heaven will allow. But God will not allow anything that Peter will not allow.

3. Do you possess these keys to the kingdom?

Answers: no. Only Peter has the keys to heaven.

a. If yes: how did you obtain these keys? Are you using it?

Answers: No

b. If No: why not?

Answer: only Peter authorized by Jesus.

4. Give a summary of what Jesus said about discipleship in 16:24-28.

Answer: if anyone wants to be Jesus's followers, he must forget himself, he must take up his cross and follow him. If he wants to save his life, he will destroy it. If he wants to end his life, he will find it. Whatever he will gain, if he owns the whole world but to destroy himself, what will he give to get back his soul.

* The Transfiguration

1. In 16:28, Jesus told his disciples that some of them will not die before they see the Son of Man coming in His Kingdom:

answer: they will not die before they see the coming of Son of Man with his kingdom.

a. Does Jesus mean that some will live until the 2nd Coming? Yes or No? Why?

Answer: it depends because there are Christian martyrs who died before the second coming of Jesus Christ.

b. Did these words of Jesus actually happened?

Answer: yes. Christian martyrs are now in heaven even before the second coming of Christ right after they died.

What verse made an impact to you today?

Answer: v27 had the most impact on me


