Matthew 17




Date: January 25, 2020, Saturday

Today's Lesson: Matthew 17:14 - 18:14

* Jesus Heals Demon-Possessed Boy

1. Compare this event with Mark 9:14-28 and Luke 9:37-42. What are their similarities and differences?

Answer: Luke - someone in the crowd could be a parent asking Jesus to heal the possessed son. But the boy was healed by Jesus by casting demons out. Mark - Jesus asked some people in the crowd what happened to the boy. Jesus healed the boy by casting demons out. And his disciples asked how come they could not heal the boy. Jesus said that only prayers can heal the boy.

2. What does Jesus meant by what He said in verse 20.

Answer:Jesus said that if we have faith no larger than the mustard seed, we can move mountains by our faith.

a. How is your faith right now compared to a mustard seed?

Answer: rating 80% but I totally have faith in God. I am just human. I sometimes stumble.

* The Temple Tax

1. Why do you think Jesus told Peter to pay their temple tax from the coins taken from the mouth of the fish caught at the lake and not just asked Judas their treasurer for it?

Answer: Jesus asked Peter to catch the first fish from the lake and from its mouth there's a coin and it can be used to pay their Temple Tax.

* The Greatest in the Kingdom

1. According to Jesus, who is the greatest in the kingdom and why? [vs18:1-4]

Answer: Jesus said if we don't have faith like a child, we would not enter the Kingdom of God. If we welcome these children, it is like we welcome Jesus in our homes.

2. Summarize verses 18:6-9 in your own words.

Answer: there are other people who cause other people to stumble. And if anyone do this, he will be in trouble .

* What is the lesson of this parable?

Answer: the lesson I learned I'd we should pray hard, we must have faith in God, we must obey God's command, we must welcome children in our hearts, because it is like we welcome Jesus in our homes, we should not cause anyone to stumble in our faith.

What verse made an impact to you today?

Answer: V27 has a great impact to me.


