Matthew 18




Date: January 26, 2020, Sunday

Today's Lesson: Matthew 18: 15-35

* Dealing With Sin in the Church

1. How do we deal with sin in the church according to Jesus? Answer with your own words, don't just copy paste.

Answer: if one of my followers sins against you, go and point out what was wrong, but do it on private. If the person listens, you won back the follower. If the follower refuse to listen , you report that matter to the church. Every complaint must have two witnesses. Any one who refuse to listen to the church must be treated like unbeliever or tax collector.

2. Explain in your own words what Jesus meant when He say to "to treat those who refuse to repent as pagan or a tax collector." (Check out Romans 16;17-18)

Answer: anyone who caused trouble and divided the church by refusing to do what you were taught. Stay away from them. They want to serve themselves not the church.

* The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant

1. According to Jesus, how many times are we to forgive those who sins against us? What does Jesus meant?

Answer: seventy-seven times.

2. Retell the Parable of the Unmerciful Servant in your own words.


This is the official who refused to forgive. His Tenant can't pay his debt. He was imprisoned by the king's servant. When the king heard this, he remembered that his servant had debt and knee what he did to the tenant. The king pardoned the tenant and the servant was imprisoned.

3. What lesson is this parable teaching us?

Answer: do not do to others what you don't want others do unto you.

What verse made an impact to you today?


V18-20 has a great impact to me today.


