Matthew 21




Date: January 30, 2020, Thursday

Today's Lesson: Matthew 21:1-32

*Jesus' Triumphant Entry

1. What Old Testament prophecy was fulfilled when Jesus asked His disciples to bring him a donkey with her colt prior to His entry to Jerusalem?

2. What does the word "Hosanna" mean?

Answer: it means Praise The Lord

* Jesus Clears the Temple

1. Why did Jesus drive out all those who are buying and selling at the Temple?

Answer: because the temple is the House of worship not the dweller for thieves

2. What is the implication of this to us today?

Answer: remain the House of Worship holy

* Jesus Curses the Fig Tree

1. Fill in the blanks: "Truly I tell you, if you have (faith) and do not (doubt), not only can you do what was done to the (fig) tree, but also you can say to this (mountain) 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be done. If you (believe) you will receive whatever you (ask) for in prayer."

* The Authority of Jesus Challenged

1. When the authority of Jesus was challenged by the chief priests and elders, why do you think Jesus did not just answer their question directly?

Answers: they are the teachers of the Law, they know the answer.

* The Parable of the Two sons

1. Summarize this parable and tell us what lesson you have learned from it.

Answer: two sons are told to go to the vineyard, the first son went to the vineyard even he did not want to. The second son said he will but he didn't do it.

2. In the parable of the 2 sons, which of the two are you? Why?

Answers: I will be the first son. I am obeying my father's word

What lesson did you learn today?

Answer: obeying. God's will.


