Matthew 21




Date: January 31, 2020, Friday

Today's Lesson: Matthew 21:33 - 2:14

* The Parable of the Tenants

1. In this parable, who do you think represent the tenants, vineyard owner, servants of the owner and son of the owner?

Answer: Vineyard owner - God; servants of the owner - disciples; son of the owner - Jesus Christ; tenants- unbeliever

2. Who do you think is the stone in 21:42 and 44?

Answer- Capstone is Jesus Christ

3. What do you think 21:44 mean?

Answer: if you betray Jesus, you would be crushed into pieces.

* The Parable of the Wedding Banquet

1. Summarize this parable in 3-5 sentences.

Answer: There is a wedding feast, but noticeable there are guests who are not wearing proper attire. So they are not approved by the groom to join the feast.

2. What do you think the wedding clothes represent?

Answer: wedding clothes represent purity and righteousness of believer.

3. What does Jesus man by "for many are invited /called, but few chosen"?

Answer: those who call him, "Lord! Lord" but not all of them will enter the Kingdom of God.

What verse made an impact to you today?

Answer: v21:44 has a great impact on me.


