Matthew 24:1-35




Date: February 03, 2020, Monday

Today;s Lesson: Matthew 24:1-35

*Jesus Foretells the Future

1. What did Jesus says will happen to the temple when his disciple calls His attention to it?

Answer: he said not one step would be left on another, everyone will be thrown down.

2. List down the signs that Jesus gave that will signal His coming and the end of the age. [24:4-29]

Answer: whenever there is carcass, there are vultures. The sun will be darkened, the moon will not give it's light. The stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken. When the Son of Man appear in the sky, all nations will mourn.

3. According to Jesus, what will happen due to the increase of wickedness?

Answer: the Master of the servant will come one day that he would not expect of. He will cut him to pieces and assigned him with hypocrites where there will be gnashing of teeth and weeping.

4. How will you describe a person who is standing firm until the end? [How does he live?]

Answer: the generation will not pass away until all these things will happen. Heaven and earth will pass away except the Word of God.

5. Is it possible for the elect to be deceived by the false Christ? Explain your answer.

Answer: Yes. Because the tongue of the false Christ can be as sweet as honey but poisonous as venom.

6. Explain in your own words the Lesson from the Fig Tree. [24:32-35]

Answer: when the twigs get tender and the leaves come out, you know that the Summer is near. But you will never know when will the end of age is near.


