Matthew 24: 36-51




Date: February 04, 2020, Tuesday

Today's Lesson: Matthew 24:36-51

The Day and Hour Unknown

1. Why do you think Jesus said that not even the Son nor the angels knows the coming of the Son of Man but only the Father? [On the premise that Jesus as the Son is also All-Knowing like the Father]

Answer: because only God the Father knows when Is the Second coming of Christ.

2. How did Jesus liken the coming of the Son of Man with the days of Noah?

Answer: Jesus liken the coming of the Son of Man with the days of Noah by

3. What should we be doing when the Lord Jesus Christ returns? [24:45-47]

Answer: If we do not help the least, it is like we would not serve God.

4. What will happen to those not doing the Master's will when He returns? [24:48-51]

Answers: we are going to observe and obey him

What lesson did you learn today?

Answer: I learn today is that Christ's prophecy of the destruction of Jerusalem & Warnings suggested by it to prepare for His Second Coming


