Acts 3




Date: February 17, 2020, Monday

Today's Lesson: Acts 3

* Peter Heals a Lame Beggar

1. What was the name of the temple gate where Peter and John met the lame beggar?

Answer: Beautiful Gate

2. What did the lame beggar do when he saw Peter and John? What was he expecting? Answer: money

3. Reflect on Peter's response in 3:6. How will you relate or apply this verse to your life?

Answer: in the name of Jesus, we should get up and start walking.

* Peter Speak to the Onlookers

1. To whom did Peter give the credit for the lame man's healing?

Answer: God

2. What 2 things gave the lame man complete healing?

Answer: he got up and walk

3. What do you think Peter meant when he mentioned "times of refreshing?"[3:19–20]

answer: we give up our sins. Turn to God. We will be given fresh strength.

4. What must a person do in order to experience times of refreshing?

Answer: give up our sins and turn to God.

What lesson did you learn today?

Answer: v22-23 is the verse has impact on me.


