Acts 4:1-31




Date: February 17, 2020, Monday

Today's Lesson: Acts 4:1-31

* Peter and John Before the Sanhedrin

1. What was the reason for Peter and John's arrest?

Answer: The reason for Peter & John's arrest is the healing the lame beggar

2. What important information did the author of Acts include in 4:8a regarding Peter?

Answer: The important information did the author of Acts include in Acts 4:8 regarding Peter is the filling of the Holy Spirit

3. Why do you think it is important for this description of Peter to be mentioned?

[For context read 4:5-13,31b]

Answer: I think it is important for this description of Peter to be mentioned is the idea behind by what power & by what name are virtually the same, the filling of the Holy Spirit Peter experienced in was not a one time event; it was something God wanted to keep doing in their lives

4. Can you relate to Peter in this area? If yes, how? If no, why not?

Answer: I cannot related to Peter in this area; because i am not filled with the Holy Spirit yet

5. Whose name is 4:12 referring to? Expound this verse in 2 to 3 sentences.

Answer: The name in Acts 4:12 referred to Jesus Christ Himself, He is the only one prophesied. There is no other name beside His name

* The Believers Pray for Courage

1. Summarize the important points that the believers prayed for in 4:24-30.

Answer: "may the Lord Jesus listen to their threats. Make them brave enough to speak your message

Show them the mighty power as they heal people and work miracles and wonders."

2. What 3 things happened after thy prayed?

Answer: the meeting place shook. They filled with Holy Spirit and brave spoke God's message.

What verse made an impact to you today?

Answer: v24-26 made an impact to me today.


