Acts 6




Date: February 20, 2020, Thursday

Today's Lesson: Acts 6

* The Choosing of the Seven

1. Why did the twelve Apostles decide to form the Seven [deacons]?

Answer: The twelve Apostles decide to form the seven [deacons] because to minister to the community of believers in Jerusalem, to enable the Apostles to concentrate on prayer & the Ministry of the word & to address a concern raised by Greek speaking believers about their widows being over looked in the daily ministry

2. What were the 2 most important qualification in choosing the Twelve? What was to be their function?

Answer: The 2 most important qualification in choosing the twelve are accountable to his sender message & carries the authority if his sender message; their function is a trailer blazer in the work of God, he goes out & plants churches & start a work of God in new area where no previous work has been

3. Who were the men chosen to form the Seven [deacons]?

Answer: The men chosen to form the seven deacons were Stephen, Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas & Nicolaus

* Stephen is Arrested

1. What was the circumstances that led to the arrest of Stephen?

Answer: he said terrible things against Moses and God.

2. What false charges were made against Stephen?

Answer: they said the man keep saying terrible things against the Law of Moses and the holy Temple of God. He claimed the Jesus will destroy the holy Temple and change the customs that Moses gave to them.

3. What happened to Stephen's face that cause them to stare at him?

Answer; they stared at him and his face is like an angel.

What verse made an impact to you today?

Answer: v7 made an impact to me today.


