Acts 7:1-53




Date: February 22, 2020, Saturday

Today's Lesson: Acts 7:1-53

* Stephen's Speech to the Sanhedrin

1. Make a timeline of the characters of the OT from Stephen's reply to the Sanhedrin.

[list down the names and the order of events happened according to Stephen's account]


List of Names-Order of Events

High Priest Caiaphas-Accusation that he spoke profane word against God

Moses-Accusation that he is profane the law

2. Summarize what Stephen said to the members of the Sanhedrin prior to his stoning.


Answer: Stephen said to the members of the Sanhedrin prior to his stoning is that we should rejoice in & proclaim God's abundant mercy toward hardened sinner; we should guard against presuming on God's grace by falling into a pattern; we should guard against going through the outward motions of worship, when our hearts are far from God

Answer: he said, we are stiff necks, uncircumcised hearts and ears. Prophets have they persecuted. Even the righteous one

3. What lesson can we learn from Stephen's speech before the Sanhedrin?

Answer: God's covenant started from Abraham.

What verse made an impact to you today?

Answer: V51-53 made an impact to me today


