Acts 7:54 -8:8




Date: February 22, 2020, Saturday

Today's Lesson: Acts 7:54 - 8:8

* The Stoning of Stephen

1. Summarize the stoning of Stephen and include all the important details 7:54-8:1.

Answers: people are furious when he preached. They didn't believe that he saw God from the open sky. He was dragged out if the city and they stoned him to death.

2. What do you think is the force behind Stephen asking Jesus to forgive the mob for stoning him to death?

Answer: because they are not experienced God.

* The Church Persecuted and Scattered

1. What did Jesus said in Acts 1 that is happening now to the Church in Jerusalem?

Answer: Jesus said in Acts 1 that is happening now to the church in Jerusalem is that they will receive power that the Holy Spirit will come upon them

2. Who was the key figure that brought about a great persecution against the Church?

Answer: The key figure that brought about a great persecution against the church was all Born Again Christians

* Philip in Samaria

1. Who is this Philip that went to Samaria and what did he do there?

Answer; Philip went to Samaria to preach about Jesus and to heal them from their sickness.

2. What happened to the city of Samaria when Philip arrived?

Answer: they are glad at the miracles that Philip showed to them

What lesson did you learn today?

Answer: we cannot buy the gift of Holy Spirit.


