Acts 8:9-40




Date: February 23, 2020, Sunday

Today's Lesson: Acts 8:9-40

*Simon the Sorcerer

1. What is your main insight from today's reading about Simon the Sorcerer? [List down all the details that was said about him/Simon]

Answer: Simon in Samaria had amazed the people because he practiced witchcraft and claimed to be somebody great. Simon believed in Philip saying about God and was baptized.

* Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch

1. What was the eunuch reading when Philip met him?

Answer: he was reading a passage from the book of Isaiah

2. What characteristic of Philip did you observed that we can learn from with regard to missions and evangelism?

Answer: Philip is ready to answer his questions about the passage from the book of Isaiah.

3. If you were in Philip's situation, do you think you will be able to answer the eunuch's question in 8:34? How will you explain 8:32-33?

Answer: yes. I can. The v32 says he was led like a sheep to be killed and he was silent as a lamb whose wool being cut off. V33- he was treated like nobody. His life is being snatched away. How can he have children.

What verse made anv impact to you today?

Answer: V32 - V33- had made an impact to me.


