Acts 9:32-43




Date: February 26, 2020, Wednesday

Today's Lesson: Acts 9:32-43

*Aeneas and Dorcas

1. List down all the details about Aeneas

Answer: He was bedridden for eight years; he was paralyzed

2. List down all the details about Dorcas

Answer: She was full of good works and act of charity; she became ill and died when they had wash her and they lay her in upper room

3. Why do you think Luke include this story of Peter healing Aeneas and Dorcas?

Answer: I think Luke include this story of Peter healing Aeneas and Dorcas because God used Peter mightily in the two different way.

4. What life lesson can we learn from the life testimonies of Aeneas and Dorcas?

Answer: The lesson we can learn from the life testimonies of Aeneas and Dorcas is God's will for a miracle to take place in His perfect time and place.

5. What verse made an impact to you today?

Answer: The verse that made an impact to me is the verse 42.


