Acts 10:1-23




Date: February 27, 2020, Thursday

Today's Lesson: Acts 10:1-23

*Cornelius calls for Peter

1. Who was Cornelius in today's reading?

Answer: Cornelius in today's reading was a centuriun of the Italian Cohort, he was also a man who fear God with all his household gave charity generously to the people and prayed continuously to God.

2. What did the angel say to Corneius regarding his prayers and gifts to the poor?

Answer: The angel say to Cornelius regarding this prayers and gifts to the poor is "your prayer and what you give to the poor will be ascende as a perserve remembrance before God".

3. What did the angel instruct Cornelius to do?

Answer: The angel instruct Cornelius to send people to Joppa and bring Simon

*Peter's Vision

1. What did Peter see in his vision? Why do you think Peter had to see this vision 3 times?

Answer: Peter see in his vision of the heaven open and something like a great sheet coming down being let down of its four corner upon the earth.

2. What lesson was God trying to teach Peter regarding the vision?

Answer: The lesson that God was trying to teach Peter regarding the vision is that God has remove the barriers he once standing up from the body to separate his people from the surrounding nation.

3. "Do not all anything impure that God has made clean" Expand on this verse.

Answer: In the framework of the vision, the clean and the unclean beast stood on the same footing were let down from heaven in the same sheet.

4. Check yourself: Do you still have any prejudiced ideas or feelings against anything or anyone? How will you apply this verse in your life?

Answer: I do not have any prejudiced idea against anything; I will apply this verse in my life by praying to God to reveal in my heart if there is something feeling that will against to His will.

5. What lesson did you learn today?

Answer: The lesson that I learn today is to ask God to remove any barrier to separate a friend from the worldly things.


