Part 1
Outside in the Wretches camp, chaos ensued as rain of fire fell from heaven, striking down any Wretches bandits that were fortunate enough to be in the path of destruction, the spell [Rain of Fire] is an area of effect spell exclusive to the warlock class in the Warcraft Universe, surprisingly, the caster is none other than the good old professor Sunreach, whom everyone thought was a mage.
"Go find the boy, I'm sure he's somewhere in there." the old elf pointed at the burning infernal ahead of them to Aethas father, whom without any thought dove head on and cleaving down any Wretches that get in his way.
Back to Aethas and the Forsaken Assassin who managed to escape from the dungeon that kept them in captivity for who knows how long already, when they finally got outside, what greeted them was a sea of flame caused by the fallen rain of fire from above.
"Was it your people?" Aethas asked, noticing that rain of spell was a spell mostly belong to the "Warlock", and he couldn't help but to associate the Forsaken with all the dark and evil stuff on the back of his mind, only to earn the displeasure from the dead woman.
"Hey! That's rude! Sure we may have warlock in our ranks but I don't think there's anyone that powerful in our unit here in the Ghostlands expedition!" she retorted.
"Look over there, isn't that your people fighting?" she then pointed to a clash up ahead, where an all too familiar figure is going berserk and cleaving down anything that get in his way, that means it's a group of unfortunate Wretches bandits, and it seemed like he noticed them too.
"AETHAS!!! JUST HANG IN THERE! DADDY WILL BE OVER IN JUST A MOMENT!" *SMACK! The Great-Sword bisected the skinny Wretch, armor included and sprayed blood and guts all over his body. "Family of your? Why don't I see the resemblances?" she joked.
"Don't worry, you're not the only one who noticed that." Aethas retorted, it is true- all of their neighbors back in the village thought that they don't resemble anything like father and son- like who in the hell would believe an Orc-like Elf to father a son who looks like an angel? Absolutely no one- but in the end, Aethas was glad to have such a father though, even in the end if he is just a bone head, all brawn and no brain for most things all considered.
Before long, his father had finally finished the last of the Wretches and litter the ground with their blood and guts, creating a hellish scene on Earth along with the fire and arson in the background- which were caused by professor Sunreach, his father immediately rushed over and dropped his blade and hugged him tightly as tears flowing from his eyes- the man is crying, who would have thought that the warrior that put fear into his enemy with his brutality would cry when he grabbed hold of his son- "I am so sorry! You must have been scared, I swear in the name of the Sin'Dorei, that this will never happen again!" he continued to sob.
Many did not know this, but Aethas father loved his family more than his own life- after what happened to his own sister during the destruction of the Sunwell, where his sister who followed their prince into outland and went missing in action, as reported after their expedition force retreated back to Azeroth- losing his own blood sister is hard enough, but losing his son on top of that? If that were the case, he would make sure every single Wretch in the kingdom of Quel'Thalas died with his son, none of them will ever allow to live!
"Stop crying dad, I'm not hurt and you came and rescued me, so what is there to be sad about?" he hugged the elf back, after another round of sobbing, the elf finally calmed down and his stoic work face returned, his gaze finally landed on the Forsaken woman next to his son, he was taken back to see an undead of course, but after reading on the description of their new ally- the Forsaken, he knew that they would not caused them harm, yet… Aethas father still hadn't trusted their new ally fully yet, as they were former agent of the Scourge, their hated enemy, but now seeing that this undead helped his son escape.
"Captain Theramar of the 14th Farstrider unit, at your service." he took the initiative and grabbed the undead cold bony hand. "Thank you for looking after my son, we will do whatever it takes to help your people effort against the Scourge in the Ghostlands." he told her.
"On behalf of the Dark Lady herself, I thanked you Captain." she replied back in courtesy, of course Aethas already know who this Dark Lady was, the Banshee Queen Sylvanas Windrunner, former Ranger General of the kingdom of Quel'Thalas.
Part 2
Aethas, and the convoy along with their new friends, the Forsaken Assassin- went their merry way straight for Tranquillien, the heart of the Ghostlands territory, the trip was quite uneventful as there were no incidents or attacks- other than some random beasts like giant bats swooping down from time to time, but they were easily taken care of by the snipers.
Of course, Aethas took his chance to ask professor Sunreach in secret, about his actual profession- which definitely isn't a mage as he claimed to be, because during the raid on the Wretches camp, he noticed that the professor cast the following spells [Rain of Fire] [Incinerate][Immolate] and many other spell that were exclusive to the warlock class, he could see why the elf would disguised himself as a fire mage.
Surprisingly, the old elf did not denied his association with the demonic magic, but of course as his new teacher, the elf asked Aethas to keep this little secret between them, sure Blood Elves society doesn't view practitioner of demonic magic to be as extreme like the Necromancer who served the Lich King, however it doesn't mean that they don't receive any prejudice once they were discovered.
Knowing this, Aethas complied with the old elf requested, but of course- Aethas wouldn't let such a great opportunity gone to waste, the old elf was a bona fide, certified Warlock with experiences, Aethas would definitely asked him for tips on the art of summoning as there are many things he wanted to try.
After hearing his disciple requested him to teach him the Demonic Arts, professor Sunreach eye twitched a little, isn't this kid a bit too greedy? Teaching him common magic is one thing, but for him to lead his disciple "astrayed" into the hands of the demons? But seeing Aethas giving him the puppy eyes, professor Sunreach couldn't bear to say no- but of course, he would teach the boy only under strict supervision.
"This is great! You're the best! Teacher!" Aethas flatter the old elf with flowery words, and with that, during their trip to Tranquillien, it wasn't that uneventful anymore as there would be something for Aethas to do, of course it was in complete secret- he finally can put his massive reserve of mana into good use and by the time they reached Tranquillien, Aethas had already mastered the basic spell of the Warlock class and could probably officially called himself a [Level 1 Warlock] based on the game standard.
For he had learned the spell [Incinerate]] and [Summon Imp], but of course professor Sunreach prohibited Aethas from using the [Summon Imp] spell, as it would cause problem for himself because he was known as Aethas magical instructor, and secondly Aethas father would definitely murder him for the reason of "You're a bad influencer! You've led my son astray!!!" and thus a great sword cleaved the old poor professor Sunreach in half without a shred of mercy.
But back to present about Tranquillien, their new home? If Aethas had any opinion, it would be that their new home is quite… lively, ironically- the town population is Forsaken majority for population, only a small percentage of them are Blood Elves, the town itself was in no doubt, quite prosperous despite it odd location, seeing how the street is filled with the local populace( Forsaken) bartering and selling exotic goods that caused the group of new resident (Aethas convoy) to find quite strange and disturbing, things such as random eyeballs, humanoid limbs and that of animals- just to name a few.
In the end, they just put it in as "different cultures have their own uniqueness." which is the same for their own race, the Blood Elves, which like to thrive in the Eternal Spring and Sunshine of the kingdom of Quel'Thalas, unlike their former kin, the Kal'Dorei- also known as the former Highborne and now, their faction enemy the Night Elves, who live in Eternal Twilight under the light of the Moon.
"This place is great!(with much sarcasm) So- where's our house?" Aethas asked his father and mother, whom just look at one another and smiled wryly, seeing this Aethas had a bad feeling- no it's a horrible feeling, and his gut feeling was right- by the time they arrived at their resident- no it's anything but a resident, if he had words to describe it, it would be a god damn haunted house, Aethas swear he could see spectral ghost floating out of the building! Not to be offended, he doesn't really mind it at all- but being a former human on Earth and knowing about the bad reputation of any haunted house? Aethas now glad that he had some knowledge about Necromancy and having a Warlock for a teacher accompanied his family for this trip.