Chapter 12: Beginning of an Empire! More Lost Knowledge!

Part 1

It didn't take long for Aethas and his family to settle down in Tranquillien, it has been a week since the day they arrive- life goes on and continued as they say.

"Aethas! Let's go out and play!" Valeera nagged him as she break into his private domain- which also known as his room, as for why Valeera still hanging around him for over a week already, the reason was she somehow convinced both of his parents, to allow her to stay- and to his surprise, they agreed! It's outrageous! This is kidnapping! To make matters worse, his dad sent a letter back to her parents and informed them of what is "actually" going on.

Such as telling the poor girl parents that their daughter had been accepted into a noble organization (militia, mercenaries) that is the Farstrider and became his personal page, one can imagine how excited they must have been- thus it is without any problem that they accepted the fact that their daughter Valeera, will be staying in the Ghostlands for quite some time.

"Don't you have any training to do, Valeera? You can't just drag me out to play all day." Aethas replied to the energetic girl in annoyance, it was true- for the past week, she'd been dragging him out into the town either sightseeing, or worse- directly into the wilderness to hunt games, which include and not limited to bats, lynx, and sometime mana wyrm( if there's even any left.) rather than doing all of these activities, Aethas prefered to just stay home in his tower and study arcane knowledge with his teacher, professor Sunreach- whom is a retired Warlock.

"And no please, I just want to do some spell practice today, maybe next time Valeera." Aethas continued, that is all he wanted to do- throughout the years, Aethas seem to developed a bad habit that all mages tend to have- the addiction to studying and hoarding knowledge.

Valeera grinned upon seeing Aethas reaction to her usual antic, she too knew that he would refuse to go out and play with her, thus she prepared a secret weapon.

"Your mother order you to go outside, it would be a disappointment if I were to inform her that you refused to comply." this immediately brought Aethas to a halt- this little girl, since when did he trained her to be this evil and cunning?! Oh wait, he himself isn't that of a good person either… either way, look he doesn't have much of a choice either, the last person that he wanted to piss off in this world was none other than his mother, she can be scary when she's angry.

"Alright, I'll bite the bait, where and what are we killing today?" Aethas could only let out a long sigh, seemingly accepting his fate for what to come. "Who said we are killing anything today? Do I look like that type of girl to you?" she pouted.

"Then what are we doing today?" his questions were only met with silence and being dragged and leaping out through the window and landed on a Red Hawkstrider down below, the weight of the two children caused the creature to squawk and jumped in surprise before it was being guided by Valeera and took off on the road.

Of course Aethas- like any normal mortal in the world, scream for his life at the breakneck speed that they were traveling on! "Are you even old enough to get a license for this?!" he screamed. "Of course! I am the top of my class for this! Even your dad praised me!" Valeera retorted while at the same time, brag about her achievement.

"Old man, I swear I will set your hair on fire the moment I return! Just you wait!" Aethas cursed loudly as they passed curious pedestrians while kicking up a ruckus along the way, the local seem to not bother by this scene anymore, as they have already seen this as a daily occurance with the new resident- plus being the local wealthy landowner and generous with the local population, they don't really care for such antics.

This brought back the fact that the day after arrival, Aethas mother immediately put her massive capital into good use by investing in local businesses and buying up lands- surrounding Tranquillien and the abandoned villages nearby( which practically cost close to nothing!) thus the locals have quite a positive opinions about their family, first by helping them fight Scourge and secondly contributing to the local economy.

"Ah how nice it is to be young." a Forsaken woman said in a raspy voice that her half decomposed voicebox could produce while smiling. "Aren't we too look like that when we were young? I remember our day back in Lordaeron." said the man with a rotting face next to her before pulling for a smooch, lip to lip.

If Aethas was there to witness such a scene, the first thing we would do is running into a bush, hiding from the old rotting couple and puke his guts out, not to be rude, but anyone witnessing such a scene would end up losing a piece of themselves afterward.

Part 2

Their journey took them half an hour, riding at top speed on the Hawkstrider before they finally arrived at their destination- which to Aethas surprise, was an old abandoned Arcane Sanctum. "Valeera, don't tell me this is what you wanted me to see…" Aethas asked with the look of surprise still on his face.

"Yes, I know you like studying knowledge about magic, thus where else would I want to bring you?" she said in a low but shy tone of voice, Aethas swore he could see her glowing pink while speaking those words, looking at the long abandoned Arcane Sanctum below, it turn out- this trip wasn't so bad after all, he thought knowing there must be lost knowledge buried below in the rubble. "Let go on a treasure hunt!" immediately Aethas grabbed her hand and took off down to the Sanctum, while being held by the boy, Valeera couldn't help but blushed even further.

Along the way, they were met with the local "wildlife" that inhabited the old broken down Arcane Sanctum, which include Mana Wyrm and Mana Elemental- lets just say there is way too many of them gathering here and that draining and destroying a few won't harm the general population.

Looking at the broken down Sanctum up close, Aethas can somewhat make out the words "Sanctum of the Moon" on the old broken down stone tablet that was worn down by the ages, seeing this Aethas couldn't help but grinned like an evil villain.

"Sanctum of the Moon huh? Look like we hit a jackpot- and it's all thanks to you my beautiful and talented secretary." as fact already stated, they are currently on top of the ruins of the Sanctum of the Moon, quoted to be the "Testament of the Mastery of the Arcane" by none other than Alleria Windrunner herself during the glory of the kingdom of Quel'Thalas, now all that is left are ruins and rubble, but of course- being a sorcerer himself and the disciple of a powerful former warlock now mage, professor Sunreach, he learned a method of two in discovering lost arcane knowledge.

"Let look for the focusing core of the sanctum, hopefully it is still intact when the former denizen abandon this mana factory." Aethas told her, even though the hope of digging one up might be close to zero, but if they do manage to find it, even if it was damaged- it could help their people( mostly the Blood Elves population in Ghostlands) with a source of magic to feed on, instead of scraping every bit of magic they can get from anything that remotely felt magical.

"But where are we going to find it? And how do you even know that it even there- plus is there a reason why you would want such a thing?" Valeera look confused, Aethas could only sigh at her ignorance while quote "ignorance can be such a bliss."

"I don't, just have a sliver of hope- if we manage to find it, professor Sunreach and the other sorcerers can probably create a makeshift mana generator using the local leyline, which could supply the entire town with powers for years to come." he enlightened the girl, to which she finally understood his attention, she too know well of the suffering their people have to gone through after the destruction of the Sunwell, she knew her parents were facing such difficulty as well, controlling their thirst for mana and crying quietly from time to time at night.

If they could find such object here, and Aethas, along with professor Sunreach could recreate such device… "Aethas… if you and professor Sunreach could recreate such device, do you think my parents could move here as well?" she looked at him with eyes full of hope.

"Of course you silly girl! Why else would I want it for? My own amusement and the foundation for my conquest on this world? No! I want to sate the mana addiction of our people!?" Aethas proclaimed proudly, only to notice Valeera giggling at him, he could only turned his head away in embarrassment thinking "why the hell did I say such a thing!!"