After the little invasion of undead scourge, all the authorities of Tranquillien decide to have an emergency meeting, to discuss their future course of action.
The atmosphere was tense with Aethas father, Theramar sitting at the end of the long table with his arms crossed and eyes closed.
"I propose that we need to take more initiative in cleansing the Ghostlands of the undead Scourge, does anyone here have any ideas on the most efficient method we could take?" Theramar questioned.
The room was in silence, many of the people sitting here are nothing but civil servants who managed the internal affairs of the town itself, thus they did not have much knowledge in the art of warfare, other than the group of Farstrider that served under Theramar himself.
"Captain, I propose that we increase the number of patrols in the field, hitting all the spawn points of these vile servants of the Lich King." a ranger proposed, honestly it wasn't a bad idea, however doing so would increase the strain upon their overall forces, which could leave certain areas a lot more vulnerables… they only have so many field troops for such causes as they could not deploy the town garrisons for the fact the guards aren't really trained for these types of deployment.
"Captain, pardon for my interruption." one of the civil servants spoke up, interrupting the war council on the sideline between Theramar and his subordinates.
"Yes? If you have an idea please speak up, as of right now, any ideas is better than absolutely nothing." Theramar encouraged him.
"Ah yes! Thank you, I propose that we should put in some orders for the mechanized arcane sentries from the Silvermoon Army to be stationed here, in Tranquillien, that way we can used them to defend the town instead of relying on precious manpower- which can be relocated elsewhere for better uses." The elf proposed a marvelous idea indeed, the mechanized sentries of Silvermoon are renown for their defensive capability as an acting guardian.
However in the end, it was only a "good idea", there is but a few problems, the first being a single unit alone can cost the town literally an arm or a leg in term of cost and maintenances, the second being it close to impossible for Silvermoon to station such unit in the frontier of the kingdom where attacks are happening weekly if not daily!
"In the end, this is just going to be another headache huh." Aethas couldn't help but chuckle from the side of the war council, as one of the greatest firepower and contributors of the town's prosperity, Aethas obviously has a seat in such a meeting, despite his young age or his relationship to the leading figure of the town, his father.
In the end, Theramar just decides on increasing the patrolling rate of the Farstriders, it really is unrealistic to get themselves a mechanized sentry from Silvermoon without the right people and tools to maintain them.
As for Aethas, he had other plans, it's another one of those crazy one that almost got him and Valeera once… but this time it is different, Aethas will be a lot more prepared.
"Aethas, you're not planning to…do something like that again… right?" Valeera popped out from the shadow, surprising him with her skill in stealth.
"Umm… definitely not… when did you come back?" definitely am! Only he knows how to end the Scourge operation here in the Ghostlands once and for all, that is to take out the leader himself, that is Dar'Khan Drathir the traitor himself, that one undead elf ran the entire operation of the Scourge here in the frontier of Quel'Thalas in his comfy home of Deatholmes.
Dar'Khan Drathir, once a noble of the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas betrayed the High Elves by letting the Scourge invade their kingdom, practically burning down half of it while tainting the Sunwell that caused the formerly High Elves into such predicament as today with magic withdrawal.
If anything, he is a piece of shit that needed to be burned, pulverized and possibly have his soul erased from this plane of existence and sent directly to the shadowland, but sadly heroes have already done the first two parts, but the Dar'Khan Drathir just won't rest in peace!
Aethas came to the theory that somehow during the resurrection of Kel'Thuzad, Dar'Khan had somehow involved himself into that process and became a Lich… or in this case a Demi-Lich, which could somehow explain his revival after having his body completely destroyed by flame.
"I just came back today after joining the training camp." she said to Aethas though, he couldn't help but shiver, what kind of boot camp training would actually make their recruit train for almost a year and change their temperament by this degree?!
"I know that look you have on your face, whatever it is, I am coming along with you to make sure no more harm shall come to you!" Valeera said with eyes blazed in determination, causing Aethas to be helpless.
"...alright, but with us two alone it might be a bit difficult." he added, Dar'Khan Drathir fight isn't a joke, without strength and cunning he wouldn't be the leader of the Scourge in Ghostlands, nor have the same standing as the legendary figure such as Lor'themar and once compete for the position of Grand Magister of Quel'Thalas.
He is a powerful Mage Necromancer proficient in commanding the Lich King forces, thus the recommendation is either a hit squad of powerful heroes, including himself and Valeera, or an Army capable of breaching Deatholmes.
Luckily for Aethas, being a Warlock has its perks… especially when one had Fin'Felo on hand, but of course that would lead to more endless headache, dealing with a group of Demons and harder than just a single one… unless it's either a Pit Lord or a Dreadlord that we're talking about.
Another issue is drawing the attention from unwanted eyes of the Burning Legions… the last thing he needs is to have a powerful Demon commander or General diverting their sight from Quel'Danas to his tiny abode here in the Ghostlands.
"Who are you planning to bring for this little operation of your? Who are we going to destroy?" Valeera questioned him… this girl, did you really do all of this without even knowing who we are up against? Oh right, he didn't tell her yet.
"Does the name Dar'Khan Drathir ring any bell?" I whispered in her ear, this caused her eyes to open wide in shock, she finally had a clue on what Aethas was planning to do.
"You don't mean…" she stared back at him.
"Yes, I mean that one." Aethas assured her, this is going to be indeed, a very long day.
Later on in a quiet "family" friendly environment that is Aethas own workshop, where only three figures are presences at that moment, it was Aethas, Valeera and lastly everyone's favorite little ass kisser Ritzglop the Imp.
"My great supreme master! Your plan is crazy! Especially that from a mortal! You cannot possibly?!" even Ritzglop, a Demon, thought that Aethas ideas were full of insanity.
"But can you do it?" Aethas asked the little Imp once again.
"...yes, but I cannot promise anything else other than that...I do hope you have a backup plan in case it backfires." Ritzglop cannot help but to remember their last major incident of when something actually went "out of control".
But in the end the little Imp still get paid for running errand for his little master, honestly the little thought that such a life with this master wasn't so bad afterall, it would be very shitty if something were to happen to Aethas, thus he will try his best to help Aethas as to keep the profit going into his pocket, screw the Burning Legions, his loyalty now lied with the little Elf, the Legions doesn't give him a good life, this master here does!
For a moment there, Aethas thought that the little Imp was a reincarnation of a Goblin instead of an actual Demon, greedy little bastard, to actually demand 2 tons of Crystalized Mana, which is worth about 2 weeks of accumulation from the Arcane Sanctum.
"Time to carry on the next step of the plan, I hope you have all you needed Valeera, this is going to be a long… and guaranteed to be a very dangerous operation." saying that the girl only silently nodded, all of her training to this point is for this one purpose only, is to be useful and protect Aethas, Valeera sworn to never let such an incident happen again like in the Moon Sanctum.